My internet provider was bought out so I am in the process of changing my email with everyone that sends them to me. I am not a joke / public service announcement sender. If you get a joke from me, seriously read it because i must have been falling off of my couch laughing to share it. My FIL, however, sends me anywhere from 0 - 10 -20 emails on a daily basis. Youtube videos, commercials, jokes, political's just exhausting. I am thinking of giving him my "junk" email address instead of my real new one but I only check that every few days & I'm scared that if it's something somewhat important I'll miss it (we communicate by email a lot). How do I nicely say - "here is my new email, please don't send me all of that crap you usually do"? I have asked before & he still sends it. We have also had many conversations like this: Him: did you see that funny dog video I sent you? Funny, huh? Me: No, I didn't see it, I don't open most of what you send me Him: Really? Let me show you real quick....{{{he shows me on his computer where he obviously stores all of this shit}}}}
..I just don't have the time or energy to read them all & I'm trying to eliminate some clutter from my life, email included.
Thoughts? If you are a joke forwarder, how would you take someone asking you to stop?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I hate that, too. I would just tell him that you never get a chance to read his forwards right away so they build up and cause your inbox to be too full. Maybe also tell him that you end up overlooking actual messages because of the amount of forwards and suggest that he send "real" emails to your new address and give him the "junk" address for videos and jokes and stuff.
Oh, and i'm not a joke forwarder but I wouldn't be offended if someone asked me to stop. I get a lot of junk email and on more than one occasion I've missed an important email because it was in the middle of 100s of spam messages. It's understandable.
ETA: I'd just say something like Hey! I really enjoy all of the stuff you forward me but I don't always have time to read them right away. I'm afraid that I may miss an important message from you, so I'd really appreciate it if you could send jokes and other forwards to, and send regular messages to Thanks!
ETA: I'd just say something like Hey! I really enjoy all of the stuff you forward me but I don't always have time to read them right away. I'm afraid that I may miss an important message from you, so I'd really appreciate it if you could send jokes and other forwards to, and send regular messages to Thanks!
-- Edited by tri_sarah_tops at 14:48, 2007-01-02
I think that's a really great idea.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
ETA: I'd just say something like Hey! I really enjoy all of the stuff you forward me but I don't always have time to read them right away. I'm afraid that I may miss an important message from you, so I'd really appreciate it if you could send jokes and other forwards to, and send regular messages to Thanks!
-- Edited by tri_sarah_tops at 14:48, 2007-01-02
I think that's a really great idea.
I think that older generations (especially those that are retired and have a little more time on their hands) don't understand that people in our generation actually use email for important things, not just as a means of forwarding jokes or for entertainment. You could tactfully add that you have two email addresses: one for the "fun" stuff and one for bills and communicating with friends and family members and that you'd prefer that he send the jokes to your alternative address.
If he's included your email as part of a group that he regularly forwards jokes to, you could always politely ask him to remove your name from the list.
I think that the other ladies have offered great suggestions. My only thought is that since he's your father in law you may not want to say something to upset him. I have gone through periods of time in my life where I was getting 500+ e-mails a day between work and friends all to the same e-mail address and it was so overwhelming, as it sounds like you're feeling from his e-mails. But it really doesn't take much time to go "delete, delete, delete, delete," even over dozens or hundreds of e-mails and it may keep you from hurting someone's feelings. Just my two cents.
I have kept a junk email address on a free server for a few years now. I use it for just about anything I sign up for online, for retail websites as well as this forum and any other subscriptions I have. I don't give my personal email to people who are known forwarders, so my "real" inbox doesn't get clogged with unimportant stuff.
As for letting the person know, it might bruise their ego a bit, but you can make your request kindly. I did this once. I had to say I was honestly too busy, I had just had my first baby and I was trying my best to keep up with friends and family via email, but opening non-relevant emails took up those precious few minutes I had. I would rather read a lengthy personal email letter than to open and delete an impersonal collection of jokes every day. Her irrelevant emails had put in a corner, I had no choice but ask her to stop, I was tired of opening these wastes of time. Luckily, I don't have a lot of friends and family who do this anymore. It's so 2000, right?
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
If you're really worried about upsetting your FIL by asking him not to forward jokes, maybe you could set up a filter in your email program. If you use MS Outlook, it's called a "rule." You can tell your email program to take emails that have the words "forward" or "fwd" in the sujbect and put them in a folder you set aside for jokes, etc. The downside of this is that if someone forwards you something important, you might miss it.
Give it a trial run to see if he changes. Give him a junk account and ask for only important e-mails. If he listens to you for a good month, give him your new account.
Bastet wrote: maybe you could set up a filter in your email program.
That's my advice as well. I have never once heard of this type of request going well. Usually the response you get is "Fine, then I'll never send you anything ever again!" That came from my own FIL too!
If you can't do a workaround within your email app, I suggest you suck it up and keep the peace.
I agree 100% with NCshopper about the generation gap, by the way. As such, I don't see a way out.