Wow. I can't even begin to imagine what this must be like. Your strength is inspirational. I hope you're starting to feel better and regaining your physical strength.
That is so awesome that you don't have to have chemo/radiation! I am so proud of you for refusing to wallow in the misery, it takes a stronger person to keep a positive attitude. I'm keeping you in my prayers!
I'm so glad that you don't have to go the route of chemo/radiation. kudos to you to being strong enough to make the decision for the bilateral surgery.
i'm so glad you are getting along well. and your comment on where to put the post for a b or c cup made me giggle!
seriously, i could say it a thousand times over and it still wouldn't be enough--D you are AMAZING. it's strange how it's times like these that really test a person's character and the way you are just rising to the occasion and refusing to be beaten by all this is nothing short of awe inspiring. keep updating us, because we love you and are rooting for you every step of the way.
ETA: and I'm so glad you don't have to have radiation/chemo!!
As the other girls have said, your strength and grace is truly inspirational. I love that you managed to look cute in your robe and I'm really glad that you don't have to go through radiation and/or chemo.
..I'm glad they caught that left one don't need to go through that sort of surgery twice! I really hope the pain starts to subside soon...
D wrote:
That's the latest in my saga - thought I'd share. Thanks again for all your well wishes. The next time I post about this will be to decide to go with a B cup or a C cup... don't know if I should do a general interest or style poll on that one...
I have to admit this made me laugh...*LOL* I think you should do a style poll...and let me go on record right now for casting a vote for the C's. While they are in there doing work you might as well get some nice cleavage out of it (holla!)
Keep staying strong!
oh and how could I forget: hooray for no chemo/radiation!! That made me happy for you.
You are such an inspiration to us all. Your story had me crying then laughing... I'm so impressed with how gracefully you are tackling this chapter of your life. I am proud to know you, D.
I would like to give D the award for Most Stylish When Shit is Hitting the Fan. Congrats!
This made me laugh out loud! But in all seriousness, I'm so incredibly happy to hear all the bits of good news that were in your story--cancer-free lymph nodes must be an immense relief, and I want to hug that woman at the surgeon's office for being so kind. And as the others have said, your strength and determination really are an inspiration. I'll be thinking of you a lot as you heal, wishing you a speedy recovery. Lots of love to you!
I'm so glad you made it through all that hell at the hospital. I have to say, I think it really sucks that they put people with roommates in the hospital. That so adds insult to injury. The only thing you want after surgery is peace and quiet. At least it just makes being home feel that much sweeter.
God love the girl you ran into at the doctor's office that was willing to show the doctor's "work". I think she would qualify as an angel-just when you needed one! It is encouraging though, to hear that they can do a lot these days in the way of re-construction.
The next time I post about this will be to decide to go with a B cup or a C cup... don't know if I should do a general interest or style poll on that one...
Ha! Glad to see you still have your sense of humor.
I'm glad you're feeling better. I've been clicking on the General Chat section every day hoping to see a post from you. I'm so, so glad to hear some positive news. I hope you get your bag 'o fluids removed by this weekend, too.
D, you are simply awesome. You truly inspire me, and I've been checking here every day too looking for your updates. I wish I could make you a big chocolate milkshake. And speaking as a girl who's on the small chested side, I say go for the C's!
Where do I start, D? This is one of those times when words aren't enough. I'm so, so happy that you don't have to do chemo, so grateful that you met the woman with the breasts (hee hee), and so in awe of your humor and gracefulness.
And I don't know what all this is about Bs and Cs. You are such a DD kinda girl!
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
D-You are an inspiration to me. And I hope that if I ever have to go thru such a horrible ordeal that I will meet it with the strength and courage that you have shown. We are all vulnerable to this disease, and as a woman, it is an honor to hear from another that has dealt with the reality of it with such grace. Bless you...