Did I mention I need more cherries on my cancer sundae? Well, I got them. Two of them.
#1 My genetic testing (BRCA) came back positive. I have a mutation in a gene that normally protects the body from developing cancer. This means my breast cancer risk is 85% and my ovarian cancer risk is 23%. The mortality rate for ovarian cancer is approximately 20%, and I was told I have to make a decision about my ovaries in a year to a year and a half after I get through the breast cancer crap. I learned this a day before my surgery which helped validate my decision.
#2 I received a call from my breast surgeon yesterday to talk to me about my pathology report. As you may recall, I had 3 locations of cancer in my right breast and the left breast was elective because of my high risk. The flesh that was taken from the left breast was screened for cancer. They found there was cancer in the left breast as well - DCIS - the same kind of cancer that was found in my right breast. Finding out there was in fact cancer in both breasts REALLY validated my decision for the bilateral mastectomy. It also scared the shit out of me - it's like, where the hell else do I have cancer that they were unable to detect through a regular screening...
When they performed surgery on my right side, they took lymph nodes for screening and those came back clear (my right arm pit is completely numb but also the source of a lot of pain - odd). I asked the surgeon if my lymph nodes needed to be biopsied for the left side and she said no, as it was unlikely that it spread there, as it was for my right side. I just have to keep a close eye on my pits and get biopsied if anything funky happens I guess. I do have an appointment with her on the 25th - I'll bring a list of questions then.
Anyway, since my lymph nodes came back clear, I will not undergo chemo or radiation (yea!) Seriously, I've lost my boobs and I don't want to have to lose all my hair too.
Some have asked how I am feeling. I'm in constant pain and it hurts to breathe and laugh. Thus, I am on painkillers constantly. I have the most energy in the morning but get the spins from the medication for the rest of the day. I spent most of yesterday trying to not throw up. I have very limited mobility which increases steadily. The stress of everything has my hair falling out a bit, and the BONUS of not getting my period for some reason (yea!) Oh, and I have around 10 lbs. of water weight/fluids from the surgery and I feel like a beached whale. I had two drains attached to me, the left one was removed on Monday (yea!) and the right one is still on . I reeeeealy want the right one removed before the weekend. I refuse to go out and be social with a container of body fluid hanging off of me
My hospital stay was interesting. I ended up staying 2 nights. The second night I was there an older woman was placed in the bed next to me. She was a total passive-aggressive attention monger. The entire freaking night, instead of hitting the nurse button for assistance, she would slowly get out of bed and yank her tubes out which would set off this LOUD alarm which the nurses apparently couldn't hear, so I had to hit the nurse alert button each and every time this happened since she wouldn't. This repeated itself every 20 minutes or so until 5 in the morning at which time I think they gave her a sedative. The next day, anytime a nurse came to tend to me, she would do it all over again - how dare I receive medical attention - SHE'S the one that matters! Whiny, complaining, passive aggressive bitch ahhh... that feels better
Yes, I was a very cute hospital patient with my poptart mickey mouse buns. I also discovered that I don't have a hospital-conducive robe - everything is a short lingerie number. My husband had picked up a burgundy silk dragon motif kimono during one of his trips to Japan which was a bit flamboyant, but perfect. I must have been quite the sight during my walks with my flashy robe and perkily bunned hair
My bandages were also removed on Monday. It's kind of hard to look at, but it'll be ok. The waiting room at the plastic surgeon's office was full of mastectomy reconstruction patients. One woman (who was 31 when she was diagnosed and was celebrating her 5 year cancer-free anniversary), offered to show me the Dr.'s "work." We went into the bathroom and she showed me (a bit odd, but I appreciated it). She looked really good and there's no way you would ever know with her clothes on either (she was wearing a low-cut top).
Apparently my breast surgeon made what are considered small incisions which is supposed to be a good thing (guess it makes the plastic surgeon's work easier) and that I am "healing beautifully."
That's the latest in my saga - thought I'd share. Thanks again for all your well wishes. The next time I post about this will be to decide to go with a B cup or a C cup... don't know if I should do a general interest or style poll on that one...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
(((hugs))) what a horrible experience. It sounds like there is a lot of positive info in there though too, so that's good....especially everythign validating the decision to do the bilateral. That must be such a relief (that you didn't do it for nothing and that since you did it now you won't have t o go through the whole ordeal again!)
Wow, D, you amaze me. As awful as this all is, you seem to be making all the right choices to lessen how horrible it could have gotton. I hope your pain and discomfort gets better.
ILoveChoo wrote: (((hugs))) what a horrible experience. It sounds like there is a lot of positive info in there though too, so that's good....especially everythign validating the decision to do the bilateral. That must be such a relief (that you didn't do it for nothing and that since you did it now you won't have t o go through the whole ordeal again!)
How is your Mom doing?
I know, I'm so glad I did it all in one fell swoop. I can't imagine having to go through this twice.
My mother is home from the hospital, but is still a bit swollen from the blood clot. I think all of this has brought us closer together. It seems as though the petty stuff we bump heads over is kind of pushed to the side. I definitely have much more empathy for her plight - now I know how her major cancer surgeries and all things associated with them feel.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Gosh, I'm not even sure what to say. Bless your heart though. The whole experience sounds so awful. I'm glad you're okay. I know your decision wasn't an easy one to make, but it sounds like it was definitely the right decision for you. And when the time comes for you to make a decision about your ovaries, you'll make the right decision then too. But try not to worry about that until the time comes because you certainly have enough on your plate right now.
Let us know if there's anything we can do for you. Know that we're all thinking about you and hoping for a fast recovery.
jen wrote: Wow, D, you amaze me. As awful as this all is, you seem to be making all the right choices to lessen how horrible it could have gotton. I hope your pain and discomfort gets better.
thanks, jen. I actually plan to tap you on the shoulder for some exercises when I am able. the only thing I am doing is some stationary squats 30 full + 30 rapid on each side in the morning. I have also been walking and went approx. 2 miles on Tuesday. I'm trying to think of my legs as a transporter for my torso - there's no reason I can't keep them moving to a degree (it does wear me out though)
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
Glad to hear from you. Keep your chin up. Keep a close eye on the nodes and try and stay positive. There are lots of people on this forum praying for you.
Glad to hear you are hanging in there and staying positive. You even made me chuckle a few times in your post.
It sounds like you are recovering nicely and that is so good to hear. It also sounds like you are doing everything right and taking good care of yourself. You should be so proud of yourself for your intelligence and strength.
Please let us know if you need anything and continue to keep us posted. And, if you decide to post a poll about your cup size, I will be sure to vote!
D, I read this earlier but I was in tears so Iam coming back to say you are a very strong women. You are in prayers. Glad to see you are up and doing some exercises how great is that Glad to see you still shopping b/c that is great therapy Its wonderful to hear that you and your Mom has gotten closer.Its strange that times like these pulls people closer.
D, I read this earlier but I was in tears so Iam coming back to say you are a very strong women. You are in prayers. Glad to see you are up and doing some exercises how great is that Glad to see you still shopping b/c that is great therapy Its wonderful to hear that you and your Mom has gotten closer.Its strange that times like these pulls people closer.
oh, kaykay - don't cry for me! as much as I have considered hiring professional wailers (as I expect all to collapse and cry at my feet for my misery **I'M KIDDING!**) it is what it is and I am lucky I have as much information as possible to help me make the right decisions.
and yes, shopping is excellent therapy and I recommend it to all - but ONLY if you use the ST links!
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I've heard so many times about the power of positive thinking in healing. I think you are proof of that. How you keep your head up and stay positive is beyond me. I'd be in a heep on the floor. Cheesy as this sounds you are an inspiration to me. You're so strong and so beautiful, I pray that if any of us on this board ever have to go through what you are we find just an ounce of your strength in ourselves. Keep going.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
Collette wrote: I've heard so many times about the power of positive thinking in healing. I think you are proof of that. How you keep your head up and stay positive is beyond me. I'd be in a heep on the floor. Cheesy as this sounds you are an inspiration to me. You're so strong and so beautiful, I pray that if any of us on this board ever have to go through what you are we find just an ounce of your strength in ourselves. Keep going.
aww, thank you, Collette. I think you will find that you are stronger than you think if you ever have to go through anything like this (which I hope never happens). trust me, I have my moments of collapse and balling my head off - it's a constant emotional roller coaster. It doesn't do me any good to wallow in misery though. I was someone before this and I want to get past it to resume being me. I'm not about to embrace the negativity and let it drag me down any more than it already has.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
We you, D! It's amazing after all of this that you have such a positive outlook. I really admire you for that! I hope the physical pain subsides soon and you can get out and about. Take care, sweetie!
D, I am so impressed that when given the choice to save a breast you choose to remove it. That takes great courage!
My mother has had ovarian cancer (2x) and I have a really strong family history of cancer. I have been so scared to take the genetic testing. Seeing your outlook has inspired me to get tested.
Take care, and get well soon! And remember that you are a HERO to alot of people.
Good to hear from you - I've been thinking about you. It sounds like you're going through so much, and I just wanted to tell you how much I admire and look up to you. You are such a strong woman - it's truly inspirational. I don't know that I would have the strength you have...I will continue to keep you in my thoughts
Please let me know if there's anything at all you need or I can do to help you out
Looking forward to seeing you around here more. Stay positive D. I have no doubt you will come out of all of this an even stronger, more beautiful person. We you!
d, i just want to thank you for sharing all of this with us. given my family's history of cancer i'm pretty sure i'll end up with some kind one day, and i know i'll think back to this time and how strong and amazing you've been through your ordeal.
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
also, i can TOTALLY picture you walking the halls in your robe with your buns. genius!
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I would like to give D the award for Most Stylish When Shit is Hitting the Fan. Congrats!
Anyway, you know that no matter where on that rollercoaster you are in a particular day (or minute) that we're always here to talk, or listen. I for one am very proud to 'know' you!
Hang in there ....
-- Edited by Elle at 12:47, 2006-08-31
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}