All I can say is that I am so sorry and it seems as if you made the perfect decision for you. Keep up your stregnth, because with that you will get through anything. I will be thinking of both you and your mom through your ordeals with all of this.
i've been MIA from the forum for a while so i think i've missed the backstory but i just read this and wanted to offer my support. you're an amazing, strong, courageous will get through this, and it will all be worth it when you look back in 40 or 50 years. *hugs*
You are being so brave. To be honest, just thinking about this is freaky and scary - I just want you to be ok! But I'm glad you decided to play it safe, and I am sending good thoughts your way and really hope everything goes well for you. And I'm sorry about your mom. That is so scary too. Wow, you have so much going on right now! Hang in there sweetie! We're all with you!
I am so, so sorry that this has happened to you. But I am utterly amazed at the grace with which you've handled this so far. I hope that this is all over and done with as quickly as possible, and will in the end be a small blip in the course of a long, healthy, happy lifetime.
Feel free to indulge yourself as much as you want, do whatever you feel, fall apart, be strong, whatever. Be gentle with yourself - we're here for you whenever you need .
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Thank you all for you kind words and encouragement, it's very touching. I was worried that posting about this brings the board down, but I'm glad I am able to help others be more aware. If helping others be more educated about this and potentially saving a life through increased awareness is the one good thing that comes of this, then I'm glad I shared (it's not really something you know much about until it happens to you - it's not something people like to think or talk about).
Again, thank you, and I'm lucky to have you all for support.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
This is just so terrible, but as the other ladies have said, you are handling it with a great amount of grace and dignity. You (and your mother) will be in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong!!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
I'm so sorry. I just wanted to say that I really admire your strength and courage. Continue to keep your chin up and I will be sending good thoughts your way.
There is a lot of love and support for you on this forum. Me included. My prayers are with you and I hope you find some peace during this unfortunate chapter in your life.
I am so sorry you are having to deal with so many difficult decisions. Stay strong - you have an amazing spirit and are really an inspiration. You are in my thoughts.
Just know we are here for you. You have inspired me to make my long overdue ob/gyn appointment and it is actually on the same day your surgery is scheduled. I would be lying to say I'm not scared to go to the doctor because I fear the same thing happening to me. I know early detection is key though.
I give you so much credit for having to endure all of this.
I know we all are thinking of you and wish you the best possible outcome. You've created this amazing, supportive online community and I just want to offer you my support and any needed help to get through this trying time.
D, I am so sorry that this is happening to you. You are a strong woman with a lot of grace. Your breasts don't define you as a woman, Your heart, soul, caring, loving, nurturing ways do - and no one can take that away from you. I wish you a lot of luck with your surgery - physically and emotionally. I will pray for you that all goes well.
Thank you for updating us. I've been thinking about you a lot and wondering how you were doing. Please don't ever worry that you will bring the board down by sharing your experiences with us -- we all care about you and want to know how you are!
I have a friend with a similar family history to yours and who went through a double mastectomy at a young age. I admire your strength in making this decision -- you are being so smart and amazing. We are all sending good thoughts your way!
D - you and your mother are in my thoughts. Thank you for sharing and keeping us updated on what you're going through. Everyone here has said such beautiful things. I know that everyone here is sending their support to you.. and that they will be continuing to support you.