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Y'all - law school is seriously like a concentration camp, with all due respect to people who have had real problems... But y'all! I was here until midnight last night! And I got up at 7 for class. I got to see the guy I'm seeing for 38 minutes while I ate - total. That's it. I skipped two classes and didn't work out and I still can't get all this clinic work done and I am about to cry! Plus I ahve a paper that I havent' started due thursday! I turned in a time sheet for the clinic with 15 hours in three and a half days, and I'm still not even half way through! My eyes are so dry that my contact popped out in class and the girl next to me was really grossed out and I didn't know what to do and the professor hates it when we leave but I did anyway. And I have a job interview at 3:40 and I can't even read this statute anymore and I have never never never hated being somewhere and doing something as much as I hate this!
My prof said the word "paradox" 26 times before I stopped counting today. The last time, I actually threw up in my mouth a little bit. I hate this place, I hate this place, I hate this place... Oh, and I've started telling these godawful law school style stories that turn on wordplay or something lame. Next I'll be telling pun jokes (very popular around here).
Ok, just had to get that all out before I make my deadline... Fuck law school. I mean that with all my heart, too...
The circus sounds awesome Metric! And Kari, cutting back could help if it were possible, but I'm a 2-L, and basically I'm just not cut out for this - for example, with the clinic work I say things like "This was really hard and I did this and this and think I found what we're looking for here..." My partners are much more authoritative and never admit anything was difficult or that any of their research might be less than solid. So I hate them and they look down on me for showing weakness. It's a culture thing. Plus, I am a person who needs a certain amount of rest and a certain amount of fun and a certain amount of grooming to be able to be a productive member of the human race. I am NOT getting any of it, so it's just wearing. And I hate that no matter how much I do, there's always this little sneer from the profs "Oh, is that all you can do..." That motivates some people. But not me.
Anyway, spring break will be more of the same, but I dont' have to remember to go to class in the middle. So, venting's done. And I made my deadline (with a little help from lexis - yay!)
Well here is a (((((((((hug)))))))))))))))))) Oh and tell those partners of yours to go to H*** Okay Iam no help but I just wanted to say we(s-t friends) could give them a big kick in the ass (kidding) Sorry for the ranting
You sound a lot like me. I never feel really confident in my legal research because of course there is hardly ever that "holy grail" out there that says exactly what I want it to. And, I am a bit of a perfectionist so I keep searching and searching, then I turn things in and make excuses or apologize for not finding it.
I have learned thought that almost always...the work I have done is exactly what they were looking for and that all they ask is that I do a dilligent search of the existing law. I don't know why we are so insecure about it, I guess because we get NO positive feedback at all.
You are almost finished with your second year!! And for me, the third year is SO great! I am definitely burned out and ready to get the hell out of here, but the super busy, loads of work days are gone. The third year is just boring, but easy.
I have MANY days that I would just quit...even though I only have 2 months of school left. Sometimes I have mini panic attacks thinking that I don't even want to be a lawyer. Then I realize that I do want to be a lawyer, I just don't want to be the kind of lawyer that I am often around. I don't want to be an asshole with no compassion or no willingness to help others along. I can't wait until the day that I have an intern working for me and I can take on a mentor role and help shape their learning.
Try to keep a positive outlook. Realize that YOU are expecting way more from yourself than anyone else is. You can pm me if you need to vent further or want to talk.
Ok - I got a "good job, this is exactly what we were looking for" from my clinic prof! And he answered all my questions too! (Usually, profs just won't but I think he could tell I was about to cry from exhaustion). And I kicked ass in the interview. And now that I'm dragging around, looking like hell in glasses and ponytails and wrinkled clothes and a lint-covered coat, smelling like the sandwich place across the street, all my professors are giving me approving looks when I walk by and say "Hi." So apparently the key to fitting in at law school is to work yourself to exhuastion, ruin your people skills because you're trying to remember the cites for the New York administrative code while you're chatting with whomever, and let yourself get all dirty and gross. Good to know. Well, I'm Oscar the Grouch, and probably smell bad. But at least, finally, my professors aren't looking at me like I have two heads. So that makes me feel better. What a waste, all that money I spent on concealer last year to cover up my dark circles. PS - one of my classmates handed me a flyer today that said 100percent of lawyers in a survey reported stress and anxiety levels of twice or above the normal level, and 30 percent reported a substance abuse problem. No one ever tells you this stuff BEFORE you sign on for six-figure student loans...
Oh, Dizzy. The memories you are bringing back to me. *wistful sigh*
Listen, what is it they say about law school? First year they scare you to death, second year they work you to death, and third year they bore you to death? Something like that. It's completely true. Especially during interview season. Ugh. So. Horrible.
And how many times did I show up in school wearing the same clothes I'd worn the day before and having no time for a shower? Well, okay, none but that's just because I had to work at the same time and I couldn't have gotten away with wearing sweats to work. But I assure you that clothes were sometimes the only things that got changed. I can imagine that I could have gone 3-4 days without a shower at some points. (Gross!)
Don't go getting all philosophical and shit. Of course you don't want to be a lawyer. No one actually wants to be a lawyer. That said, it's better than being a janitor, don't you think? Generally pays better too. I'd also like to point out that being an actual lawyer is nothing like law school. The closest thing you'll get is clerking in the summer. That's like law school/work party! (The exclamation mark is meant to be facetious.) You won't know how you actually feel about law and being a lawyer until you're doing it. No sense wondering if this is what you're meant to do because you hate law school. Everyone hates law school. That's just the way it is. It sucks and if you don't want to quit, you're not human.
Here's another little pepper for you to stick away somewhere: if I can do it (and I assure you I'm way less motivated than you are), then you can definitely do it. Good luck and hang tight!