butthead and i had a super bowl party. some of my friends have kids. some of the kids came to my house.
one of my friends and her fiance (who has an 8 yr. old son ) came and brought the son. another one of my friends has 2 young sons. one is almost 1 and the other is almost 2.
the 8yr old was rowdy. he got the 2 yr. old all fired up. they were kinda loud for a little while, but when the 2 yr. old's mom came and got her son under control, all was well.
i will admit, it was a little loud for about 15 minutes. i love the younger kids. so cute and well behaved. i had only met the 8yr old twice before.
but get this. my 35 year old single guy friend came to my house to watch the game. this guy dates all the time and breaks up with people for silly reasons. he complains about being single. and he also complains if we don't invite him over for parties. this guy is a good friend to both butthead and me. but he is a bit high maintence. he watches the game and when it gets loud, he goes outside to smoke a cigarette. game is over he leaves. fine.
the a$$ just IM's me saying "thanks for inviting me to your kids and couple party" "i had a great time" "i'm not coming to anymore of your kid and couple parties. sorry" now, if you knew this guy, you would know he was being a smart ass.
i serously want to call him and scream. am i overreacting? sorry if this is all over the place, but i'm pissed.
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
seriously, i'd be smart ass right back & say something like "you always complain because we never invite you - this is why" - I guess that's a knee jerk reaction, but that's a really jerky thing to say.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
what a bitter dude. my husband has some friends exactly like this. interesting to me how men like this are almost as childish as the children they complain about, they resent when things change, when friends of theirs settle down, have kids, quit hanging out and drinking late at night, whatever. If it were me, I would say, "no sweat, you're off the list."
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
That's so obnoxious. I would defintely be rude right back and say something like, "Don't worry, I won't." I wouldn't call him and yell at him, because then it looks like you care too much, but I have no problem with responding like a smart ass in these types of situations.
I like what the other girls suggested. "Don't worry, we won't be inviting you" is fine. That's really shitty of him to be like that. I agree that he's probably totally immature and hates the fact that people are settling down, having kids, and he's not.
My usual response to people like this is "you're an asshole." But I'm not sure that's the most productive thing to do... But seriously, I'd totally call him on it. He wants invites, you give him an invite. He doesn't enjoy himself, fine. Keep it to himself. I'd straight out tell him that it's an asshole move to complain about not being invited to parties and then to bitch at you about them afterwards. If he doesn't like it, screw him. He's the one with the problem.
to borrow someone else's phrase--sounds like someone is jealous. that's super-lame. i think i would do what the others have suggested and say "yeah, that's why we usually don't invite you."
That's seriously really crappy of him to say. Whether he's being sarcastic or not it's just rude. You incited him to your home, obviously if he's friends with you DH he's got to realize that it's not going to be a bunch of single guys chilling watching the game. My respose would be...
"That's fine I'm sorry your being single made you feel uncomfortable in my home. I'll be sure next time to not extend an invite so as not to make you feel out of place." The end. and then add "PS you're an ass xoxo"
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
i would say something like, "yeah, butthead and i didn't know if you would feel comfortable at the party, now we know to hold the invites"
turn it around on him, like he's the one who has the problems.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
i would say something like, "yeah, butthead and i didn't know if you would feel comfortable at the party, now we know to hold the invites" turn it around on him, like he's the one who has the problems.
Ooooh....that's gooooooooooood! I think that's the best way to handle it. Definitely. It's kinda snarky without being super snarky.
Well, you are friends with this guy and usually, he is a nice person. Right? While saying "you're an ass" or "fine, I won't invite you anymore" is probably warranted, I think a better approach would be to make him feel even more welcome to the parties since it seems that he felt like the odd man out at the party (or maybe abandoned by all his friends who have taken the next step in their lives when he hasn't) and he reacted in an emotional way. It is totally normal for a SuperBowl party to be a family affair and you should be able to invite whomever you would like to YOUR party anyway. I would say, "I'm sorry it wasn't really your scene. We enjoy having you at our parties and would be incredibly disappointed if you stopped coming. However, you have to understand that we also want our other friends and their families to attend. We will continue to invite you to our parties (we love you and can't accept that you won't be coming!), but if you don't want to come or just want to stop in for a little while, we'll understand."
I know this is completely opposite to what you are feeling, but I think if you snap back at him, the situation will just get worse.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots