If Hurley is the next guard, do you think he would have known about the hatch?
No, I don't think he would have. And I don't think Desmond knew either.
Has anyone seen a cheesy Sci-Fi film called Cube? The basic premise is that a gov't agency started an experiment involving a giant cube structure w/ multiple rooms, each with some kind of nasty trap inside. People were kidnapped and placed in the cube to see how they tried to escape. The point of the film is that no one was in control of the experiment, it just started running itself because it got lost in the bureaucracy. Even the people who are controlling the traps and running the experiment are just subjects in the experiment themselves, but no one is in control, and no one knew about the Cube experiment except the people who were subjects. Maybe the island is kind of like that. People are all subjects in the experiment. Desmond, the hatch, the Others, everyone. And no one is in control any more. I hope Locke doesn't get shut down in the hatch!
I've seen that movie and, I agree, there are similarities. I definitely think that there is some kind of government involvement here. I think that there is also a biological weapon (the 'sickness' that either gives people super-human strength-Ethan, or it kills them- Danielle's crew, or they don't have any reaction at all- the known Losties). How one reacts to this weapon depends on ones immune system, but there isn't a way to know ahead of time (unless you are the creator of the weapon) who will react and how. That's why Desmond (or whoever is in the hatch) has to inject themselves with the antibodies.
I also heard a spoiler to the effect that Adam Rutherford (Shannon's dad and the guy who died in the ER last week) was the one who built the hatch. Don't know if that's true or not, but I *think* we're supposed to find out more next week about that. Obviously, building that hatch would take more than one person, so I wonder (if it's true) who he worked for and/or was in cahoots with and why.
*Interesting side note...in previews and on the lost website, there is a tagline that says, "the island is waiting.' So....what is it waiting for? At first I just thought this was clever advertising, just a catchy phrase, but I think that the island is waiting for someone/something. Maybe Hurley? Maybe mass destruction? Maybe for someone to stop the chaos? What is it waiting for?*
oh yeah and I looked at the forums on the oceanicflight815.com site, pleased to see there are other people (probably older people) besides my mom who think the writers must have been somewhat influenced by the 1950's sci fi movie, Forbidden Planet. That Walt obviously has some sort of power in which his thoughts can make things happen....and this is like Dr. Morbius character in Forbidden Planet, he didn't realize it, but his thoughts were creating the "monsters" from the id.
I never saw this movie, but now I am curious about it, my mom saw it or read the book many times and named several parallels to Lost.... I am sure many other sci-fi writers were influenced by this movie since it was 50 years ago!
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
oh yeah and I looked at the forums on the oceanicflight815.com site, pleased to see there are other people (probably older people) besides my mom who think the writers must have been somewhat influenced by the 1950's sci fi movie, Forbidden Planet. That Walt obviously has some sort of power in which his thoughts can make things happen....and this is like Dr. Morbius character in Forbidden Planet, he didn't realize it, but his thoughts were creating the "monsters" from the id. I never saw this movie, but now I am curious about it, my mom saw it or read the book many times and named several parallels to Lost.... I am sure many other sci-fi writers were influenced by this movie since it was 50 years ago!
The producers have, however, debunked the sci-fi explanations. They have stated that everything can and will be explained in a sci-fact kind of way. I'm sure they've taken inspiration from lots of sources (possibly your mom's Forbidden Planet). I'm more inclined to believe, though, that it came from Stephen King (as the producers/writers) have already confirmed that he was their biggest source of inspiration and most of the things we're seeing in Lost have appeared in some way in a Stephen King book.
And many of the diehard Lost fans (myself included) would be super disappointed if it went all sci-fi. I think it's too easy of an explanation. Not creative or intricate enough. I have faith in these Lost writers for their originality.
not doubting you, Nylabelle, but I want to read where that the producers debunk all these theories, where was this, on the abc site? I have to read it for myself, but I have a feeling that maybe I won't neccessarily trust what they say, they would want to keep their secrets, right?
And hey, what's wrong with sci-fi? Easy of an explanation? Maybe you and I have a different perception of the meaning. I consider it to be extremely creative and intricate! I love it and I'll bet Stephen King saw plenty of old sci-fi movies in his youth.
Not doubting the originality of the writers either, whatever influences they have drawn on, and EVERY writer does, is beautifully subtle!
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
not doubting you, Nylabelle, but I want to read where that the producers debunk all these theories, where was this, on the abc site? I have to read it for myself, but I have a feeling that maybe I won't neccessarily trust what they say, they would want to keep their secrets, right? And hey, what's wrong with sci-fi? Easy of an explanation? Maybe you and I have a different perception of the meaning. I consider it to be extremely creative and intricate! I love it and I'll bet Stephen King saw plenty of old sci-fi movies in his youth. Not doubting the originality of the writers either, whatever influences they have drawn on, and EVERY writer does, is beautifully subtle!
It would take a while to dig up those articles, but yes they have been debunked. If you're checking the forums at oceanicflight815, there's a recent thread about that. I'll try to find the comment that was made by either JJ Abrams or David Lindehoff (sp??) stating that everything will be explained in science fact. It was pretty recent.
The reason I say that sci-fi is too easy is because it's been done over and over and over again. How many alien movies have you seen? It's just way too easy and tired. I want this to be complicated and intricate and challenging and to me, most sci-fi that I've seen isn't. There are at least 2 new series this season about aliens. Ugh. Ick. Next?
sci-fi doesn't only mean aliens ! but okay, I get what they mean by science-fact, they are sticking to plausible story lines, even if somewhat psychic. I don't think the show will take any sort of alien twist either and I didn't mean to imply that I thought it would.
-- Edited by lorelei at 11:29, 2005-09-30
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
sci-fi doesn't only mean aliens! but okay, I get what they mean by science-fact, they are sticking to plausible story lines, even if somewhat psychic. I don't think the show will take any sort of alien twist either and I didn't mean to imply that I thought it would. -- Edited by lorelei at 11:29, 2005-09-30
Oh, I know! I was just using that as an example. Genetic cloning, time travel...just some more examples. I'm tired of it.
ETA: I can't find the article about the science fact thing, but the quote was something like, 'things will be explained in more of a science-fact kind of way, rather than sci-fi.' I think the article was on aol or msn, but I can't find it. Now it's bugging me!!
I googled the terms and found some fan forum that posted an interview they did with sci-fi channel, it was nearly word for word what you said. I didn't save the link, but I get the gist, it seems like they want to make sure fans know it's not going to be an implausible explanation, which is so cool.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
I googled the terms and found some fan forum that posted an interview they did with sci-fi channel, it was nearly word for word what you said. I didn't save the link, but I get the gist, it seems like they want to make sure fans know it's not going to be an implausible explanation, which is so cool.
Did anyone mention that the song - Make Your Own Kind of Music - is by Mama Cass from the Mamas and the Papas? It was getting on my nerves, so I looked it up. I talked to my mom, and she remembers it being popular around 1970.
Did anyone mention that the song - Make Your Own Kind of Music - is by Mama Cass from the Mamas and the Papas? It was getting on my nerves, so I looked it up. I talked to my mom, and she remembers it being popular around 1970.
Yep, that's right. And seriously, I've had that song stuck in my head since last Wednesday and it's starting to creep me out.
BTW, I though Kate's expression was hilarious when the song started playing as she was crawling in the ductwork. It was just like, "what the...?" and then she just shook her head and kept going as if to say, 'it figures.' I love how they inject little bits of humor into the show.
the bf just told me that he just saw on tv where they figured out what walt was saying when shannon saw him in the woods, and it was "push the button. no button is bad." the execute button? but it seems like desmond's been doing that...maybe there's a button that would end the whole process? or release the "spell" of the island?
Maybe pressing the 'execute' button without punching the numbers first is what is bad?? When Jack was getting ready to push it and the numbers hadn't been punched in, Locke said, "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
ok! i've watched the episode now! here's what i think:
desmond is not evil--he is terrified. he looked extremely scared when locke and kate, and then jack showed up in his hatch--that totally wasn't part of whatever plan he is executing and he's at least as frightened of them as they are of him. he is in a reverse type of quarantine i think--he's a healthy one and is afraid of the other people who are sick. that must have something to do with whatever he was shooting himself up with in the last episode, too.
nylabelle--i love the theory about the replacement, and that it could be hurley--that totally adds up. and i agree that hurley wouldn't necessarily know that he was the replacement or have previously agreed to do it. he certainly didn't want to open the hatch at all once he saw the numbers on it.
i think desmond might be expecting his replacement to come via an airplane crash--did you see how his eyes lit up when locke (or was it kate) said that they had arrived there by crash?
i think that locke really believed that he could be "him"--he didn't know what desmond was talking about, but he wants badly to be some kind of leader or hero. he's a true believer, and he's looking hard for "destiny"--i think he was just trying to find out if he had found it. he's egocentric for sure--he doesn't care who he sacrifices in the path of getting to what he thinks is his pre-ordained position as some kind of hero/messiah figure.
i totally started crying watching michael say goodbye to baby walt and then when he was crying sitting on the raft--hearbreaking. that guy is a great actor. what i am most interested in next episode is seeing "the others" and what happened to jin. i think michelle rodriguez is one of "the others," because she could have been (or definitely was? i don't remember) on that same flight since she met jack at the airport bar. it looks like the other group of crash survivors either got sick or became much more violence-prone than our group (jack/kate/locke/etc.)
so does this mean there are three groups (at least) on the island? "the others" that danielle talks about who have been there much longer than the crash survivors, and then two groups of crash survivors? or maybe the second group of survivors joined up with the original "others"? this is all getting very "lord of the flies."
and my other question is: do you think danielle knows about desmond? what is their connection, if any?
bumblebee, I absolutely agree that Desmond is scared. He seemed much less evil this week than he did last week. He's just someone's pawn, I think, at this point, following orders that he doesn't really understand beyond the simple mechanics of them. Ditto to the reverse quarantine. I think he injects himself with the antibodies to combat some military/government created illness that obviously has infected other people- Danielle's crew, the others, possibly the tail section survivors (except for Ana Lucia) and the island is what is quarantined.
I don't know if Desmond expected his replacement to come via plane crash, but that's definitely plausible. Maybe he was just excited that there were other people and that even if Locke wasn't 'him' one of the other survivors would be. But I like that idea, bumblebee!
Michelle Rodriguez (Ana Lucia) was on the same flight. She was in seat 42F, part of the tail section. I don't know if she's an 'other' b/c she seems to be scared and trapped by the people she's with from the looks of the previews.
I think the illness affects people three different ways: 1) no reaction (the Losties we know), 2) gives them super-human strength, anger and violent tendencies (The Others, those crazies coming after the Rafters this week, who were possibly tail section survivors turned 'Others' and Ethan), 3) kills you (some of Danielle's crew). How the sickness affects you depends on your genetic make-up. Did I post this here already?? Sorry, if I did.
I don't think that Danielle knows about Desmond and I don't think that they are connected. I don't think that she knows anymore about Desmond than the Losties know. I just think that she would have mentioned something about it. She managed to talk about The Black Rock and The Others, so why wouldn't she bring up The Hatch and it's contents? JMO!
I love reading everyone's interpretations of the show! I love that it's so intellectually stimulating, whether it's sci-fi or not. Some of the show just can't be explained scientifically using today's knowledge of science - like Walt being able to conjure up his imaginings into reality. I would definitely classify this show as sci-fi. Sci-fi as a genre is based on science, anyway...much of science fiction is based on what writers think science will be able to do in the future, or is capable of. But I agree with Nylabelle that it would be totally lame if a convenient explanation just fell out of the sky, like "it's aliens" or "surprise! it's all a dream" or something too easy and implausable.
There are so many dichotomies on the show. The yin and yang, others vs losties, good vs evil, free will vs destiny, faith vs science.
I also like the island as machine idea, that's pretty cool.
Michelle Rodriguez (Ana Lucia) was on the same flight. She was in seat 42F, part of the tail section. I don't know if she's an 'other' b/c she seems to be scared and trapped by the people she's with from the looks of the previews. I think the illness affects people three different ways: 1) no reaction (the Losties we know), 2) gives them super-human strength, anger and violent tendencies (The Others, those crazies coming after the Rafters this week, who were possibly tail section survivors turned 'Others' and Ethan), 3) kills you (some of Danielle's crew).
this is an interesting thought, but if it's genetic makeup that determines how you react, it seems like too much of a coincidence that all the Losties would just happen to have the same genetic makeup and ended up crashing on the same side of the island....but interesting...what is the sickness, and how does it spread?
NylaBelle wrote: Michelle Rodriguez (Ana Lucia) was on the same flight. She was in seat 42F, part of the tail section. I don't know if she's an 'other' b/c she seems to be scared and trapped by the people she's with from the looks of the previews. I think the illness affects people three different ways: 1) no reaction (the Losties we know), 2) gives them super-human strength, anger and violent tendencies (The Others, those crazies coming after the Rafters this week, who were possibly tail section survivors turned 'Others' and Ethan), 3) kills you (some of Danielle's crew). this is an interesting thought, but if it's genetic makeup that determines how you react, it seems like too much of a coincidence that all the Losties would just happen to have the same genetic makeup and ended up crashing on the same side of the island....but interesting...what is the sickness, and how does it spread?
Maybe it's not genetic make-up, but some other outside force on the island that people are exposed to. It's not a complete explanation by any stretch b/c there just isn't enough info, but I definitely think that 'the sickness' is what Desmond is quarantined from and why he injects himself.
I love reading everyone's interpretations of the show! I love that it's so intellectually stimulating, whether it's sci-fi or not. Some of the show just can't be explained scientifically using today's knowledge of science - like Walt being able to conjure up his imaginings into reality. I would definitely classify this show as sci-fi. Sci-fi as a genre is based on science, anyway...much of science fiction is based on what writers think science will be able to do in the future, or is capable of. But I agree with Nylabelle that it would be totally lame if a convenient explanation just fell out of the sky, like "it's aliens" or "surprise! it's all a dream" or something too easy and implausable.
No worries, DShopper, the dream theory and aliens have been debunked by the writers.
I would classify this show more as a drama than sci-fi, especially since the writers clearly don't want it to go sci-fi. Granted there are some elements of science to the show, but The Stand has that, too, so does the Shining, but those aren't classified as sci-fi. JMO.
ETA: Also, what if some of the Losties are getting the sickness (slowly)...maybe hallucinating and hearing whispers is the start of it, or maybe it only goes so far in some people (Danielle heard whispers, and while she's a little nutty, she doesn't seem to be infected). But as for the Losties- Shannon, Sawyer and Sayid all heard whispers; Shannon and Jack both saw things that weren't really there (Walt and Jack's dad respectively). Again, not a complete explanation, but just some thoughts.
DC Shopper wrote: I love reading everyone's interpretations of the show! I love that it's so intellectually stimulating, whether it's sci-fi or not. Some of the show just can't be explained scientifically using today's knowledge of science - like Walt being able to conjure up his imaginings into reality. I would definitely classify this show as sci-fi. Sci-fi as a genre is based on science, anyway...much of science fiction is based on what writers think science will be able to do in the future, or is capable of. But I agree with Nylabelle that it would be totally lame if a convenient explanation just fell out of the sky, like "it's aliens" or "surprise! it's all a dream" or something too easy and implausable. No worries, DShopper, the dream theory and aliens have been debunked by the writers. I would classify this show more as a drama than sci-fi, especially since the writers clearly don't want it to go sci-fi. Granted there are some elements of science to the show, but The Stand has that, too, so does the Shining, but those aren't classified as sci-fi. JMO.
oh, definitely. that's what makes it so great, it's multidimentional: drama, sci-fi, maybe even fantasy...and Hurley provides some comic relief!
scarlett wrote: that final shot of the others approaching with their home-made weapons scared the crap out of me! my take on locke answering "yes" to "are you him?" is that locke believes he has some connection to the island that no one else does, and when desmond asked that question he was thinking it was a reflection on that. like, "are you the one who I've been waiting for?" i couldn't understand the comment desmond made after that, but thanks to you guys i know it's the snowman joke now.
how bizarre! I thought that, too...but then Locke didn't know the answer and maybe he was disappointed b/c he realized that he wasn't 'him.' Then I think he just went into survival mode with Kate and that's where he's at now. Maybe disappointed and disillusioned. I actually felt bad for him last night.
Actually I thought that Locke was being very strategic when he tied up Kate. She would know how to get out. She is a lot more limber than he is. She is a fighter and wouldn't just stay locked/tied up. I thought that he figured that her chances of getting untied were better than his and he would be able to help more if he could be with Desmond. Kate is a bit emotional and aggressive. He probably felt he could "talk" to Desmond and get more answers where as Kate might just rile him up.