the deal is they're retarded. the only nice thing i can say is i'm sure they mean well but come on, this is ridiculous. you're a beautiful, intelligent girl w/ a great personality, why on earth should you settle for someone you're not interested in? that really should be the end of the discussion, if you're not interested then you're not interested, what else is there to say? do you really have to justify your reasons to anyone? NO, you do not. and another thing, MUST they be so obvious? the way they're behaving even if you were interested in a guy, they're putting you in a really awkward position, you know? i really don't know how to rectify the situation, i guess the next time they do that, make a joke out of it or something? like if you're at another bbq or whatever and there's a guy there that happens to be single and they try to get you to talk to him, just kinda maybe talk to him in a friendly way and say yeah don't you just hate it when your married friends keep trying to set you up? so that you two become comrades because you share something in common (being single and having to suffer through your friends' matchmaking efforts). anyway, whatever you do don't act mortified, because that'll just make the situation more awkward. just be breezy and casual no matter what.
btw, doesn't it suck that we live so far away from each other? if you're ever in la, let me know it'd be so fun to hang out!
Ouch! This sounds horrible! And I do have friends that avoid other married people because of similar problems. For what it's worth, I doubt your friends are jealous or being malicious. It sounds like they're just clueless. Have you tried just pretending you don't hear what you don't want to hear? I know that sounds silly, but it really works! My aunt used to use this one all the time - if someone asked how weight watchers was going, she would just say, "Hmmm, did I tell you I visited my mother last night..." or something else. It's random, but it gets the point across pretty quickly without confrontation with someone who's just going to insist that they're trying to be nice (like it's ever nice to act like you know better than someone else how she should be running her life).
I'm just saying that if they're not being nice to you, you dont' have to be nice to them. But why bother with a whole you-shouldn't-be-doing-this discussion. Then it's just you deciding how they should be acting, and the whole seesaw thing keeps going...
Are they "smug marrieds?" Your story reminds me of something that would happen to Bridget Jones. (And I swear I'm not obsessed with her - it's just that almost everything reminds me of her.)
Maybe make a joke of it? Like when they introduce you to "single" people as a "single" person, just say, "yes I don't have a kitchen filled with matching china, a stationary set with someone else's initials on them, and I don't have a psuedo-subversive interest in making sure everyone else in the world is as miserable as I am. And yes, I'm single." That oughta do it.
PS I am always a wee bit suspicious of people who strongly urge you to join in their bliss, whatever that "bliss" may be. Maybe I am cynical but I always feel it just may be so you too can feel their pain. And I don't think your friends are trying to be mean, I just don't think they realize how uncomfortable they are making you.
Ugh, that sucks! I hate it when people make comments like that. Last week I was at a neighbor/friend 's house with my family and he made some comment like asking if I was dating anyone. I said no, and he says, "You need to start dating more. People are going to start thinking you are a closet homo." (I swear his exact, false words) WTF? It was meant as a joke, but it was such a blow to me, especially since it was right in front of my family. Ironically a week later someone asked me out. I'm a true believer in karma and what goes around definitely comes around.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
AJ, you do not need to take that crap and you need to stop taking it! Tell them the next time they pull a stunt like that you do not want to be set up, you do not need to be set up and you are very happy with your life and being single. I would take it one step further and say that if the behavior continues and they can not respect you that you do not need their friendship. I had to do this with single friends that were constantly trying to get me to cheat on my bf. Needless to say we are not friends anymore.
BTW, people in couples get that crap too. Everyone is constantly asking my bf when he is going to marry me. It annoys me because it is okay for me to bug him, but I'll be damned if someone else is going to butt into our relationship!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
What Farrah said rings true to me. I think people are never satisfied with another's stage in life. When I wasn't dating I got "why aren't you dating" when I was people wanted to know how serious it was. When I was in a serious relationship, I got "When are you two getting engaged" once were were engaged and set a date it was the most peaceful year of my life (ok, everyone was meddling in the wedding plans, but the annoying questions stopped). Now that I'm married everyone wants to know when we are having kids. My grandmother in law asks everytime I see her when we are having kids.
I think people mean well, but have no idea how annoying and hurtful their questions are. I have decided the next time ol' grandma asks, I'm pulling her aside and telling her to butt out and wait for an announcement (we aren't even trying yet). Perhaps you'll have to pull your friends aside and tell them that if you ever want to be fixed up, you'll tell them, and until then, they will have to just let it go.
I definitely relate. Sometimes I think it makes coupled people uncomfortable when others are single.
Women I don't know very well that act like this I am convinced want me paired up so I don't go after their man. Possessive chicks are always quick to point out the singles to you. People I do know well I think have good intentions (or maybe it would just be a relief to them if I had a BF), but a lot of people just don't know what it's like to be single after a certain age, and it's very different in one's late 20s into the 30s and 40s than it is in college, so don't give me your anecdotes about how "hard" it was last time you were single as a 20-year old (that is directed not at you, but the people who like to tell me about how they "understand" when they couldn't possibly). Just try being 33 when everyone else is married. I have had some setups where I was certain that the ONLY reason I was set up with said person was b/c we were both single - and one of these came from a close relative who should have known I would not be into the person they set me up with. She was like, I just thought you'd think he was nice, I didn't expect you to date him. WTF? Yeah, I put myself through that to meet nice dorks I don't want to date - thanks. I get this from married and from gays. Gay people want to fix me up with any guy they know to be straight, and marrieds any guy they know to be single, even if he is totally not my type. Then again, I am often horrified by what they think my type IS when we talk about it. Oh - the other thing I hate is when they make decisions for me. The refrain "Oh, he's not right for you." Who asked? If I am interested in someone and you know him, help me out, don't tell me who is right for me!
Ooh - another shitty situation is the stealth setup: where you go out with friends and thhen realize that you're on a date you didn't agree to. But you know, and he knows, and even though they'll never admit it, they're hoping you'd hit it off. I have gotten into the habit of ducking plans I so much as suspect might be a stealth setup. I cannot deal with that sort of ambush.
In a like manner, I also get annoyed if I AM interested in someone they know and either they don't pick up on my interest or they know the guy will think I am a troll (or they think he is wrong for me) and don't have the heart to tell me. I'd rather someone leveled with me rather than changing the subject when I mention that so-and-so is cute (and I am shy, so if I came out with that, I am interested). Several years ago I had a huge crush on a guy and I am certain mutual friends must have known he wasn't into it, but nobody discouraged me. This lead to a rather embarrassing drunken rebuff that I cringe over to this DAY.
The combination of this sort of ambivalence (not following up or acknowledging my interest in someone they know) from some friends with the fact that others want to fix me up with anything single that moves just makes me feel like they don't take my situation seriously. So now I am just shy about mentioning it to certain people at all.
Anyway, I guess the best thing to do is to keep it light - roll your eyes and laugh when they try this stuff. And for close friends, I do think that one should remind or explain to them how you feel. People often don't realize how it feels to be single in a world of couples - how one can feel sort of "different" and left out, and that it doesn't help when your situation is aired in public. I am not here for the entertainment of marrieds, and neither are you. What they perceive to be amusing (awful blind dates and other embarrassing or silly dating scenarios) can actually be really awkward and terrible - if I laugh about my dating experiences, it's often in an effort to make myself feel better. People joke about things they find to be difficult or painful. I don't need them laughing AT me or making light of a situation that is by no means easy or even all that much fun. Don't get me wrong, I am not starved to be married or in a couple - much of the time I am really happy to be completely autonomous. But life is hardly Sex and The City for us single girls, and I, for one, don't find dating to be as much fun as they remember it to be through their fog of nostalgia. And the older I get, the less lightly I take it.
Anyway, now I've shared a vent of my own! I totally sympathize. All you can do is try to shrug it offf, or take them aside and tell them it's hurtful and embarrassing. I think these couples are so often so caught up in their own thing that it's a shock to them to realize what they're doing is not fun or funny.
-- Edited by dc at 12:53, 2005-04-19
~ dc
"Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination" - Oscar Wilde
That's funny, too bad your friend is treating your single status this way. I do wish my best single girlfriend would find someone, but not for me, for her own happiness because she is not happy being single anymore (she stopped being happy about it around the time she turned 30)
I am married (slightly smugly) and I never try to set my friend up. On the contrary, she is always asking me if I know anyone and I WISH I did. I have not been single for over 6 years, so I don't know why she would think I know any more single guys than she does. My husband and I mostly hang out (if other than family at all) with other married couples...preferably with kids too so we don't have to mess with getting a babysitter just to catch up.
I know it will happen for my good friend someday, but I can't wait until she is married with kids, I know her so well and I know she would have a great family life. So maybe your friend is just anxious for you. She needs to be patient and remember that one should never settle for less than true love.
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld
Ugh I'm not looking forward to this, and knowing myself and boys, I will defintely not marry young. I'm sorry AJ (and everyone), your situation sucks.
Kind of off topic, but it reminds me of one thing that drives me crazy. For some reason adults always seem to think that an appropriate line of questioning is, "How are you? How's school? Do you have a boyfriend?" Excuse me? It's just a bad question cause if I don't have one then I feel like a failure for having to admit it, and if I do have one I'm pretty private about stuff like that and I really don't want to talk to my mom's friend about my love life. Anyways, sorry for hijacking.
quote: Originally posted by: esquiress " btw, doesn't it suck that we live so far away from each other? if you're ever in la, let me know it'd be so fun to hang out!-- Edited by esquiress at 15:09, 2005-04-17"
Definitely! And if you ever go to NJ/NY for any reason, let me know!