I'm really sorry sweetie :( My thoughts will be with you. Four, yes, four of my closest friends have gone through this, and all four have healthy babies now. When it first happened to one of them, we learned a lot of shocking statistics. It is way more common than I ever thought. Take time to heal and be gentle to yourself. We're here for you if you need anything. *HUG*
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
I'm so sorry S Just as the other girls have said, this is more common than you would think - I know several women who've gone through this (SO's mom being one of them), who have coome out of it w/healthy babies. Definitely mourn your loss and take care of yourself. I'll be sending positive baby making vibes your way.
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone!! Knowing that you are all out there sending good vibes my way makes me feel so supported and loved!!! It really means so much to me!!! DH and I are getting better, but next week is going to be hard because I have to go in for the D&C. But after that we will just be waiting for the "when can we start trying again" date to arrive with much anticipation!! Thanks again everyone!
I'm so sorry. I too have suffered a miscarriage - it's a really difficult thing to go through. Just remember, we're all here for you. You can PM anytime if you want. I'm sending you positive thoughts.
I am really sorry about what you are going through.
I recently went through the same thing. I found out the day before xmas that I lost a baby - I was 12 weeks pregnant.
It is devistating - but know that it gets easier over time and that having a baby is worth all the hard work and hard emotions that sometimes goes along with it. Just know you are not alone, it is very common (although women don't talk about it enough!!) and the good news is that you CAN get pregnant - so hang in there...and I wish you a lot of luck when you start trying again.
Big hugs sweetie. You're not alone and you will get through this. And one day what you're going through right now will be a bad memory that made you stronger and deeper and more appreciative of the child that you will be soon be blessed with.