So I was excited when I first saw the Nike + iPod commercial, but do you really have to buy the Nike shoes to use it? I've never had a pair of Nikes that I liked -- plus I just bought a new pair of Asics about a month ago.
Here's the site that shows how the system works: The only thing that appears to be unique about the Nikes is that there's a little "pocket" in the sole for the sensor to live... I'm wondering if I can just wedge the sensor into the pair of running shoes that I already have. Plus DH has an nano already, so all I'd have to buy is the Sport Kit.
I'm no help yet, but my BF is a manager of a sporting goods store and he knows all about these... he was telling me about them a few months ago but I forgot the details. He has a pair and wears them everyday, so they must be pretty comfy. I'll ask him if it would work with other shoes tomorrow and report back (you can PM me if I forget, which is likely to happen because I'm a scatter-brain ).
So I asked my BF, and he said that the Nikes are supposedly the best shoes to use with the iPod thingy since they come with the spot to put it, but other brands (icluding Asics!) are selling an insert to put into their shoes.
Sorry for the lack of technical terms... I don't really know what I'm talking about. HTH and let me know if you need any more info.
Thanks for your help, Sandy! I did a little research, and if anyone else is interested, you can buy a little holder for the sensor if you don't have the special pair of Nikes: