Okay, so maybe that's a little dramatic, but the UPS driver who just came to my house scares me a little.
Here's the story:
It's dark outside, the doorbell rings. Of course the dogs go nuts as dogs will do when the doorbell rings. I opened the door a crack, saw a box on the porch, and bent down to get it. The dogs ran out the door barking. I called to the dogs to come back and I could hear the UPS guy telling them to get back. Mind you, the street is far away from my house because I have a long front yard. I kept calling the dogs and was about to tell the guy to just drive off because they can't get out of the yard b/c of electric collars when he curtly yelled, "Why would you let your dogs out like that? Now I can't find my glasses because I was running."
Okay.......... that was kind of rude (I thought), and that made me mad. So I said, "Obviously, I was trying to call them back. I had no idea who was out here." The dogs returned, I let them in, and just as I was closing the door I hear him mouth something. Remember, he's probably at least 100 yards away, so it was obviously said loud enough that he wanted me to hear. I said, "Excuse me?" to which he said, "Why would you just let the dogs run out when someone is delivering a package to you?" Okay, smartass. Here you go..... have fun playing with the doggies. I then proceeded to let them back outside.
Oh. Yes. I. Did.
But I opened the door again, called in the dogs, and marched right out to him and said, "The doorbell rang. I answered it. The dogs got out. Don't mouth at me like that again or I'll call your supervisor." He proceeded to say something dumb about how I must not have heard about the leash law (hello?! They're in my yard, kept in it by an electric fence. No leash needed) and how he would own my house if the dogs bit him. I said, "Do you really think I'd open the door if I had attack dogs?"
I then told him to have fun looking for his glasses in the dark, and that if he didn't find them I'd get them in the morning and send them to his supervisor.
Do you think I'm going to be the victim of postal rage now?
I don't know, I feel kind of bad for him. My husband used to deliver oil to houses and he has had his share of run ins with dogs. You know your dogs, the driver doesn't. I can't tell you how many times he had to carry a wrench with him to ward off attack dogs that homeowners let run around while he was delivering. It's not fun for a delivery person to wonder if they are going to get bit or attacked. You're lucky they didn't get sprayed with doggy mace.
Just wanted to give you a different point of view.
wildflower930 wrote: I don't know, I feel kind of bad for him. My husband used to deliver oil to houses and he has had his share of run ins with dogs. You know your dogs, the driver doesn't. I can't tell you how many times he had to carry a wrench with him to ward off attack dogs that homeowners let run around while he was delivering. It's not fun for a delivery person to wonder if they are going to get bit or attacked. You're lucky they didn't get sprayed with doggy mace.
Just wanted to give you a different point of view.
That's kinda how I feel too. I know that I personnally wouldn't want to be delivering and have dogs come out after me. I'm sure they deal with a lot of owners who don't have electric fences in their yards and can't control their dogs. It's impossible for him to know which owners do and don't.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."