I know this should be in the health section, but I wanted it to get traffic quickly since it's kind of urgent. Let me preface this by saying, I'm a complete baby when it comes to be being sick and/or going to the doctor.
I thought that I was getting a UTI last week, but I can usually kick them with a ton of cranberry juice if I catch it in time. Apparently, I didn't get this one in time. I thought I had, but it I think I was just masking the symptoms. Now I feel like I'm dying. I don't ever remember feeling this crappy. Aside from the usual UTI pain and irritation, now I've got nausea, fever, chills, a massive headache and I feel like I can barely stand.
I have a doctor appt. tomorrow, but with how bad I'm feeling, I'm wondering if I should go to the ER. I seriously don't ever remember feeling this crappy. So, should I wait until tomorrow or just suck it up and go to the ER (and run the risk of being admitted for a kidney infection or something--meh, I hate hospitals)?
I had a very bad UTI years ago that I didn't catch in time and I was in so much pain (similar to what you're describing, except that my back was killing so much and I literally couldn't walk) so I went to the ER and I had a bad kidney infection...it sucked.
If the pain gets worse and you seriously can't stand it, I would say go to the ER tonight because kidney infections are no joke...if you don't want to go to the ER tonight just keep drinking lots of water/cranberry juice and I think they have over the counter UTI stuff to tide you over until the doctor...but, I'm not a doctor (just an event planner, haha) but seriously, if it's that bad, or getting worse, I would probably just go tonight...
I had a UTI this summer that I had no symptoms of untill I had severe pain in my side and I started vomiting and couldn't get it to stop. So I ended up in the E.R. It had allready infected my kidneys ,but they just kept me a few hours.
If you feel very sick or start vomiting or have severe pain I would go in.
-- Edited by cat at 20:27, 2007-01-10
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
You probably weren't hoping to hear this, but I would go to the E/R if I were you. I've had my fair share of UTIs, and I've never experienced the symptoms you're having. If you decide you're going to wait it out, you can get Uristat over the counter and it should help with the normal UTI symptoms.
You probably weren't hoping to hear this, but I would go to the E/R if I were you. I've had my fair share of UTIs, and I've never experienced the symptoms you're having. If you decide you're going to wait it out, you can get Uristat over the counter and it should help with the normal UTI symptoms.
Hope you feel better soon!
I've had UTI's before, too, and this feels way worse. Uristat isn't really helping at this point, either. I guess I should just go in to the ER, but I don't feel well enough to drive myself and I don't want to harass one of my friends to drive me in and D is in class right now.
I second, or third or whatever... going to the ER. I am not a doctor either but it does sound like a kidney infection. Once a waited until the next day when I was feeling that way and had to be admitted to the hospital. Not to scare you but I would rather be safe than sorry.
Yeah, I think it's time for you to head to the ER. If you know what a "normal" UTI feels like and this feels worse, then something's up (not to scare you or anything). I prefer to err on the cautious side when it comes to health issues. Just call up one of your friends, even though I know you won't want to bother them, and have them drive you. If one of your friends was in terrible pain, you wouldn't mind driving them, so I really don't think anyone would mind driving you.
Go to the ER ASAP!!! I had a UTI awhile back that infected both kidneys, causing them both to start failing... I went to the ER and had a temp of 105.6 and rediculously low blood pressure. The doctor told me that if I waited, like, an hour longer before seeking help, I would have landed myself in intensive care. I was in the hospital for 7 days. I don't mean to scare you, sorry if I did, but please get it taken care of. Feel better and let us know how it turns out!
I'm also hoping you are feeling better. I've had a horrible UTI w/ similar symptoms in college, it was absolutely agony. Now I don't even bother w/ the cranberry juice, I just go straight to the doctor as soon as I have the first idea that I might have one.
UPDATE-- D took me to the ER last night and I have a really bad UTI, complete with nausea, fever, headaches, etc. They gave me a prescription for antibiotics and D took me to the 24-hour pharmacy to fill the prescription. I'm still home sick today b/c I didn't get much sleep last night between the ER visit and the pain I was in, but I'm starting to feel a little better.
I'm glad I went to the ER, though, because there was no way that I could have waited until today, nor would I have been able to drive myself anywhere.