I went to the Dr. again after having a breakdown at work (the 2nd day on after 2 weeks off) and going home an hour into the day. He put me on disability due to stress. So much shi-- is going on in my life, I am having such a hard time coping. I'm off until March 9th. Now I get to stress about $$$. Obviously no shopping. Ugggh!!!! Be careful what you wish for ladies all my "wishes" are coming true just not the way I had hoped. I now have more closet space, I am losing tons of weight, and I get to be a stay at home mom for a while.
i'm so sorry shpgqueenet... that's kinda scary how you got everything you wished for .. i hope the time off is good for you emotionally and physically. rest up and take good care of yourself
ps: i just wanted to add that i admire how you're holding up. if i were in your situation, i would be a nonfunctioning mess who couldn't look after herself, let alone her two kids. go shpgqueenet!!
I am so sorry! Take care of yourself. I know everything is really hard right now, and it seems like it might not get better. But - everything is going to be fine. You are going to come out of this better than ever.
And, please, you aren't whining, we are here to support you.
I'm really sorry. At least try to get as much rest as you can and maybe pamper yourself a bit (chocolate, a couple of new mags, any movie you like, something like that).
I'm sorry to hear that things aren't going too well. Hopefully this time off will provide some peace and clarity of mind for you. Take care of yourself.
I am sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. Rest up and try to relax as much as possible, I know it is hard not to stress out about things all the time. Do all the things you love to do with your children and and everything else that makes you happy and by March maybe things will seem easier to deal with. I hope the best for you!!