I am not sure I should post this here or in the career section, but I need mainly a suggestion on what to do...
Yesterday B, the secretary of my boss (wich is really nice to me, actually) told me she had to do paperwork for me, since I might get a salary increase. The raise would show up not in the next check (which is today), but in the following one. She is not sure there are enough money available, tho.
Thing is, today I got my check (I have direct deposit), went to the bank website and found out my salary has actually DECREASED by 1.05 $. I think the gross salary is still the same, it's probably taxes or insurance or some other thing that has gone up, decreasing my net salary.
Now, I can probably survive without that 1.05$. But the thing makes me really mad. I mean, my boss is pretty happy of my work, clearly, otherwise he wouldn't have told B to try and raise my salary. And I can't believe that anyone, after working their a** off at a place for 3 and a half years deserves a salary decrease!!!
Now for the question part. Should I wait and see what happens on next payday, or should I tell B that if she can't raise my salary as much as my boss would like, she'd add at least a couple of bucks to make it equal to what I had before???
Thanks girls, any suggestion is really appreciated
BTW - if you are wondering why I am posting at this time, is that to make things nicer I am stomach sick and I can't sleep. AND, I have to go to the dentist today...
Chances are it was taxes or insurance since your gross was the same. However, my dad received a raise one time that put him into the next tax bracket, but at the bottom of it so he actually brought home less than at a lower salary. It is rare when it occurs and it was only by a dollar or so, but I still thought it was really funny.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
Hmmm...With the new year, I think most people see a slight change in their paycheck due to either changes in tax laws or insurance coverage. If your gross pay is the same, I wouldn't fuss over $1.05. There are a lot of things that could have caused the decrease that have nothing to do w/ your company/boss.
It sounds like you'll be getting a raise of some sort, congrats!
I agree with the others that it's probably some deduction change. Could you pull out your last pay stub and compare it? At the very least, I'd wait until next payday to see any difference.
Wow. That secretary really should have kept her big yap shut.
Maybe you can adjust your W2s so that you're netting a bit more. In my experience with income taxes, you have two choices:
- Have as little withheld from each check as possible, then get hit with a tax bill once a year. People who like to stay liquid so they can invest during the year, or just earn interest on this money, tend to prefer this. However, if you don't have a big enough cash reserve, this generally isn't worth it. Plus, since my property taxes AND income taxes are due at the same time, I just can't swing both big bills these days.
- Have as much withheld as is feasible, then enjoy a refund once a year. I far prefer this, personally.
If tax tables are the same and it's an employee contribution that's changed (insurance, retirement, whatever) then you're probably screwed unless your employer really plans to give you a raise. But that sounds unlikely at the moment, anyway.
I love the phrase that the boss tells the secretary to "try" and give you a raise...as if it's up to the secretary to do that. That reminds me of the time my boss said she couldn't do something for me because of a "policy." SHE is the person who decides what company policy is, and she's able to change it at whim.