yes. Not as much as I'd like, but I'm a poor college student so even clothing my own self is hard sometimes. I give money to church, my old high school, donate old clothes and participate in food drives, etc. all the time. I just give a little at a time when and if I can, so I don't know how much or how little I usually give. I just do what I can when I can.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
We don't have much $ to spare so I try to donate in ways other then that, such as:
1. I save pop tabs all year and on Christmas Eve I take them to my Grandparents church, they give them to the Ronald McDonald house and they somehow recycle them and get $ for it.
2. My company uses tons of ink and toner so I take all the empty cartridges to the Helping paws in my town and they also recycle them for $.
3. I donate clothes to Purple Heart and the American Cancer Society.
It feels really good to know I might be helping in some way.
I sure do. I also try to give money or food to at least one homeless person a month when I pass by them. It doesn't seem like much, but living in a big city you realize really fast that you can not help everyone.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
VanGogh86 wrote: looking at all these nice things the people on the board buy, just wondering if anyone gives to charity?
I guess I'm a little confused about the nature of your question. Are you trying to get ideas for different charities to give to? If that's the case, then rephrasing your question might get you more/better responses.
VanGogh86 wrote: looking at all these nice things the people on the board buy, just wondering if anyone gives to charity?
I guess I'm a little confused about the nature of your question. Are you trying to get ideas for different charities to give to? If that's the case, then rephrasing your question might get you more/better responses.
actually I was just asking a question. Didn't see anything wrong with the way I asked it. :)
Looking at my gucci its about that time for me to pawn this piece of junk and try to pay some of these fines
every year at Christmas we pick a charity to donate to. We found this rad organization this year, it is called KIVA What it does it help people in developing countries start businesses. But the money donated is actually a loan and they have a 100% repayment (no interest) so you donate once and then once your money is repayed you can take it back or keep recycling it by donating it again to other people.
We helped a lady in Kenya buy a dairy cow this year.
every year at Christmas we pick a charity to donate to. We found this rad organization this year, it is called KIVA What it does it help people in developing countries start businesses. But the money donated is actually a loan and they have a 100% repayment (no interest) so you donate once and then once your money is repayed you can take it back or keep recycling it by donating it again to other people.
We helped a lady in Kenya buy a dairy cow this year.
That is so cool!! I am definitely going to look into doing this when my bank account recovers from the holidays!!
Thanks for the great idea!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
every year at Christmas we pick a charity to donate to. We found this rad organization this year, it is called KIVA What it does it help people in developing countries start businesses. But the money donated is actually a loan and they have a 100% repayment (no interest) so you donate once and then once your money is repayed you can take it back or keep recycling it by donating it again to other people.
thank you for the link, Metric. I was thoroughly impressed with what Mohammad Yunus accomplished and would love to do what I can to expand on that.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
VanGogh86 wrote: ill remember today not to ask any simple questions, I may be being too passive aggressive.
that may be safer - simple questions for simple thinkers.
if you had left out the "looking at all these nice things the people on the board buy" it wouldn't have come across as passive aggressive.
it came across as "wow, you sure do spend a lot of money on yourselves, did it ever occur to you to give to others?" -- at least that's how it came across to me, and from what I've read, it appears that I'm not the only one.
it came across as confrontational and antagonistic.
live and learn, I guess?
welcome to the board, btw
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
simple questions are for simple thinkers.. so.. how do you go about asking for something at a restaurant? Maybe add a little shakespeare to the, "may I have a baked potatoe with that?"
thanks for the welcome.
I have a feeling I'm a tad different than most here, but thats what makes it interesting.
shopping is fun.
Looking at my gucci its about that time for me to pawn this piece of junk and try to pay some of these fines