Ok I'm going to rant and then play nice on Christmas shopping
Things I hate about Christmas Shopping
1. People who don't get the concept of escelators. When you step off Keep Moving!!!
2.Buying for my grandparents, they want nothing, want everying, hate anything anyone purchases for them. Actually asked me last year to take back my gift and return it for them because they'd rather have the cash equivalent. Note my grandparents are not poor so they don't get the excuse of needing money
3. Tourists who walk in one direction while looking in another and then seem surprised when they careen into you.
4.Rich women walking around Michigan ave wearing Minks and Leather pants. Not sure why they just irritate me.
Ok what I love about Christmas Shopping
1. The crazy homeless guy who was singing Jingle Bells well ok he was singing Jingle My balls actually but that's what made it so entertaining
2. Little girls carrying around their American Girl Dolls for their visit to the store. So cute!
3. Sales and an excuse to buy stuff
Allright what's your love/hate relationship with Holiday shopping?
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
All the perfume ladies at Nordstrom were on overdrive...I let my guard down and now have to get my sweater dry cleaned!
That I suddenly get convinced that things are a good deal/make sense as a gift, only to bring them home and realize that they don't work for the person I wanted to give it to!
People who take forever at the cashregister...and then purchase 6 other things while there's a huge line behind them.
being so overscheduled that I don't have time to shop leisurely.
Things I love:
DH and I go shopping together for our presents for each other (we don't tell :) but it's a good way to spend some quality time...this Saturday we're going to walk around BH and finish everything up present-wise before my sister in law flies in :)
The lovely decorations
Watching little kids (even the naughty ones) at the department store santas
getting hot chocolate
finding the perfect gift (and a treat for me too).
All the piped in carols...I do like Christmas music at this time of year.
The litle things I pick up for myself while shopping for others
Watching children get all excited about santa/Christmas/shopping with dad for a present for mom
I hate:
People who creep down the aisle of a parking lot waiting for someone to pull out. It's the holidays and you are going to eat about a million extra calories this season. Take the hint, park in the FIRST AVAILABLE parking slot a mile from the door and hoof it in. Now you've earned a piece of chocolate and haven't pissed off the girl in the SUV behind you.
People who get through the front doors of a store and stop to reassemble their stuff. Move to the side people, some of us know how to shop!
That the stores are a million degrees and by the time you leave you look like you shopped in a sauna.
Good Christmas music Making holiday gifts Finding something perfect for my parents who are the world's hardest people to shop for Store decorations
Things I hate:
That the mall people decided to close one exit to the mall and it took me 20 minutes to get out of the mall Paying for shipping When you need something from the mall that is not Christmas related and have to deal with mall Christmas traffic People at Target not understanding that there are two rows of registers and only getting in the first row and piling up and thus blocking anyone's ability to get to the second row of registers.
Malls with insufficient parking. I am paranoid about getting mugged by parking far away when I am by myself with the two babies. I don't shop after dark if I can help it.
Stores that stock their aisles so full that my child's stroller comes really close to knocking the whole display down. I know that strollers don't exactly bring me any sympathy from anyone but the fellow parents out there, but what about people in wheelchairs?
Popular merchandise being impossible to find in those last couple shopping weeks. Stock up on the good stuff!
Teenagers out of school and traveling slowly in packs while texting, checking their makeup and sipping their Starbucks blocking me and my double stroller.
Desperate sales people at those kiosks. With my toddler wiggling and my baby already out of the stroller and being carried, do I freaking look like I can spare "a moment of time?"
Christmas music playing everywhere
Decorations and sweet scented candles burning
Friendly store employees and shoppers (I find that they are friendly in person, not so much in the parking lots while behind the wheels)
Seeing out-of-town families shopping together in packs and observing their similarities.
Early and late open hours
Holiday ornaments at places like Hallmark
"Go either very cheap or very expensive. It's the middle ground that is fashion nowhere." ~ Karl Lagerfeld