I want one more gift for my MIL. She loves decorating, so I want to get her a home mag. Her style is very Pottery Barn-ish, with some country/artisan kinds of touches. She loves farmhouse-style antiques. She already gets Cottage Living, which is very much her style, but I'd like to get her another, too. Any recs? I was thinking maybe Elle Decor or Home. She does NOT like modern stuff at all, so Domino is out. TIA!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
Have you looked at Blueprint? It's a Martha Stewart publication and I love it. It's not just home stuff, it's kind of Real Simple-esque, but I think it's more interesting. The only thing I hate is that it only comes out every other month (I can't think of the word for that).
Country Living is a really good one. It's not country like ruffles and roosters but more farmhouse.
I love Better Homes and Gardens too, especially if she likes gardening.
Southern Living is always a good one too, but it's not limited to home either.
HTH! She's a lucky stepmom--I love getting mag subscriptions as gifts!
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
She sounds like she has similar taste as my mom. My mom gets Coastal Living and Veranda, both of which are good. Coastal Living profiles homes all over the coasts, but I think it would translate well for people who don't live on the coast because it's got a cottage-y vibe to it.
I'd actually steer away from Elle Decor. I love the magazine personally, but it's probably too modern for her taste.
Also, how about Real Simple? I loooooooooooove that one because it's got so much more than just home decor.