Please come join me in my pity party. Holiday stress has hit me all at once right now. I've tried to be so good. I started shopping about a month ago and I'm almost finished now. Its the last few things that are really bugging me now....
I was planning to sign my boyfriend up for a cooking class and now its full. I am scrambling to find somthing else to get him.
I just took my car in for service and found out I needed to have brake/rotar work done. Thats $800 I hadn't budgeted for.
I recently went to NYC with my mom and spent WAY too much money. Totally self-indulgent and my own fault but I'll be paying for it for a while.
Its annual review time at work and I'm really nervous about talking to my boss regarding a potential raise or bonus.
**I realize that so many ladies here (especially in the relationship department) are going through way worse than me. I just needed to whine for a mintute. Please join me so I don't feel so bad.
I have been so busy with work that I haven't sent out my Secret Santa gift yet. It's going out TODAY though! My first gift was something that I had no box to send it in, so I got something else and had to resize a box I had to make it work! I haven't gotten my SS gift yet so I don't feel super bad.
Now I have to go to the UPS store and pay a fortune to ship Christmas gifts for my family since they aren't coming! The amount of money they charge for a box and to pack your gifts is disgusting.
I'm not done with Christmas shopping yet. Thursday is my last shot at it.
I have barely started my shopping. So far DH is only getting 2 things... and 1 is really more of something for the house that he just wants more than I do.
We got into a huge fight on Saturday, and to spite him I told him that I know what he got me. Now he feels really bad because I really like to be surprised (but he's really bad at keeping secrets!)...and its kind of my fault that I know (I told him I wanted something, but I had it on my ebay watch list so I saw that he bought it).
I'm a week late and my period is MIA, but every pregnancy test on the planet is showing up negative. I had to pass on clam sauce and wine at a Christmas party yesterday, because I dont' want to risk anything, but I'm probably not pregnant anyway.
I have so many people to buy gifts for still! And even worse I have no earthly idea of what to get all of them! I also have no car (DH takes it to work) so I have no way to even buy presents, anyway .
We are knee deep in a master bathroom remodel in the house we've lived in for 5 wks. We've been knocking it down for so long, I want to put it back together now, please! Can we get some drywall up in this joint?! And the skilsaw/hammer/saw/screws/shopvac off the bedroom floor?
Our house is freezing, and our electric bill was still $140 last month.
I feel totally atrocious - I badly need a haircut, my skin is freaking out, my nails are microscopic/unpainted/ragged from working on the house, and all the clothes I wear are warm but unfortunately dumpy.
Happy Freakin' Holidays, everyone!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Elle wrote: We are knee deep in a master bathroom remodel in the house we've lived in for 5 wks. We've been knocking it down for so long, I want to put it back together now, please! Can we get some drywall up in this joint?! And the skilsaw/hammer/saw/screws/shopvac off the bedroom floor?
We've been in the midst of a bathroom remodel for A YEAR. It was over a year ago that we realized there was a problem with the plumbing in the master shower, so we stopped taking showers in there. We didn't actually get around to demolishing the thing until this summer. Now, the only thing we have left to do is to tile the shower, which we thought about doing this weekend, but didn't.
* I am still not done Christmas shopping. I just started basically this weekend. This is the latest I've ever started. To make matters worse, all the stores are packed and out of everything. I went to Sephora on Saturday and they didn't have anything in stock. I went home to order online and it's all sold out on the website too. I went to Target and it was so unbelievably packed I almost had a nervous breakdown!
* I am really not feeling the Christmas spirit at all this year. SO's family was supposed to come down and go to Michigan Ave to see the lights, etc yesterday, and that fell through. I was hoping it would put me in the mood more My brother and SIL are away in California and can't come home for xmas. It just kinda sucks.
* It's also annual review/raise time here at work, and I think my stingy boss isn't giving me a bonus this year, which really makes me mad.
* I have an appt to have all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled on January 5, however, the bottom one on the right is starting more and more to try to break through the gum and I am in extreme pain. It hurts to even's so irritated and swollen
Besides my little pity party - I know I have a lot to be thankful for. I've got a loving SO, and family, and I'm very appreciate of all the good things in my life too!
My life is pretty good right now,it's just these annoying little things that pile up and get to a person.
I got all my Christmas shopping done last month to avoid the crowds,and my Dad calls me up today and asks me to go shopping this week and buy something for him to give to my mom for Christmas because he has no clue what to get her.So not wanting my Mom to be disappointed on Christmas I aggreed to go shopping for him.
My Mom hurt her back 2 months ago cleaning around the house and compressed a disk in her back causing it to pinch a nerve. It is still only about 70% better. I have been doing her laundry and helping her clean for the past 2 months,cause my Dad doesn't have a clue in hell how to. I even put up their chirstmas tree for her.
I have had a cold for the past four days,and my head is so stuffed up it feels like it is going to explode.
I have to spend Christmas eve with Dad's boring and critical family who just don't get me at all.
All I really want is to spend Christmas with my bf,but he lives 4 hours away and we both have gotten roped into doing shit with are families instead.Me with my Parents and Dad's side of the family and my bf with his mom and his two daughters.
I told the bf yesterday that at this point we should just run off somewhere together for Christmas and screw it all.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
It's month-end at work (mortgage industry) so I'm on lockdown and not allowed to leave, and working long hours w/ major stress
We don't get any extra days off for the holiday so I have to drive 4 hours Friday night to go home, have a very fast Xmas, and drive back on Xmas day
My cysts are acting up again and I have major abdominal pain and I actually had to leave work on Friday and take unpaid leave and slept all day and night, missing a major meeting that DH and I were to host (he ended up hosting by himself)
Yep still have shopping to do, and hardly any time b/c I can't leave work during the day, and leave late!!! And I have a Tuesday night meeting so the only days I have are Wed. and Thurs., and no idea what to get...
I just developed the stomach flu - I hope it is a 24 hour flu!
So, instead of working hard this afternoon at the office - I was unproductive because I didn't feel good - then I came home and was sick (sorry if TMI).
Now I'm tired but trying to drink some fluids
I have an interview tomorrow afternoon - and I don't want to look sick (or worse, get sick during it!).
I need to do my Xmas shopping! All of it - and get a really nice present for my assistant.
I am freezing and bundled up like a little blob...but it's so cold in the house (reality check - I live in LA - it's probably 40 degrees out side)...