Gold or silver?
Silver-but I like both
Black or colors?
Coffee or tea?
Musicians or athletes?
Healthy or junk food?
Blonde, brunette or other?
Purses or shoes?
Beer or wine?
LA or New York?
Soccer or cheerleading?
Fall or spring?
Lotion or powder?
Fragranced or unscented?
Cash or charge?
Chick lit or just lit?
little late
Gold or silver? BothBlack or colors? colorsCoffee or tea? coffeeMusicians or athletes? musiciansHealthy or junk food? JunkBlonde, brunette or other? redPurses or shoes? ShoesBeer or wine? WineLA or New York? NYSoccer or cheerleading? Fall or spring? springLotion or powder? lotionFragranced or unscented? FragranceCash or charge? ChargeChick lit or just lit? lit
Which do you prefer:Gold or silver? SilverBlack or colors? ColorsCoffee or tea? Neither, hot cocoaMusicians or athletes? NeitherHealthy or junk food? BothBlonde, brunette or other? RedPurses or shoes? BothBeer or wine? NeitherLA or New York? Never been, so dunnoSoccer or cheerleading? Both?Fall or spring? Spring!Lotion or powder? LotionFragranced or unscented? FragrancedCash or charge? Depends if there is perks!Chick lit or just lit? Chick lit
Which do you prefer:
Gold or silver? Silver
Black or colors? Colors
Coffee or tea? Neither, hot cocoa
Musicians or athletes? Neither
Healthy or junk food? Both
Blonde, brunette or other? Red
Purses or shoes? Both
Beer or wine? Neither
LA or New York? Never been, so dunno
Soccer or cheerleading? Both?
Fall or spring? Spring!
Lotion or powder? Lotion
Fragranced or unscented? Fragranced
Cash or charge? Depends if there is perks!
Chick lit or just lit? Chick lit
Gold or silver? silver
Black or colors? black
Coffee or tea? tea!
Musicians or athletes? musicians
Healthy or junk food? junk
Blonde, brunette or other? blonde in the summer, brunette in the winter
Purses or shoes? toughie... shoes!
Beer or wine? wine
LA or New York? NY
Soccer or cheerleading? cheerleading!
Fall or spring? Fall
Lotion or powder? lotion
Fragranced or unscented? fragranced
Cash or charge? charge
Chick lit or just lit? lit
Gold or silver? Platinum
Black or colors? Black is a color and l like lots of it. But let's throw in grey, green, red, orange and yellow to make me really happy
Coffee or tea? Tea.
Musicians or athletes? Composers
Healthy or junk food? health food -- and I count french fries in this category/
Purses or shoes? Purses to carry to my shoes
Beer or wine? Champagne
LA or New York? New York
Fall or spring? Summer
Lotion or powder? Moisturizer
Fragranced or unscented? Unscented
Cash or charge? Oh, to have enough cash. For now, Charge it!
Chick lit or just lit? Lit. Not a fan of the chick lit.