So this morning, I was on the Brown line, here in Chicago, and about 2 inches from me there's a couple MAKING OUT! Is this necessary at 8am on a packed, elbow to elbow train during morning rush hour???? I'm all for being in love, but come on! They were making out - full force, tongue and all. Not only were they kissing, but the guy was stroking the girl's hair and rubbing her back. I really don't need to see that on my way into work on a Monday morning (or anytime really). Come on people - I just want to get work. I don't need a morning porn show!
omg I hate that!! Not too long ago I had the same kind of experience- only the 2 involved didn't look a day over 15. I think they must have been on the way to school. I wanted to smack them and ask them where their mother was.
Welcome to my world....every day. Sometime last spring a young attractive couple suddenly started riding the trolley with me in the morning. I figured they must have been newlyweds since they couldn't keep thier hands off of each other and they both had rings on thier fingers. He gets off about four stops before her and my lord...the good bye kiss is GROSS. I actually didn't seem them all summer since I wasn't riding the trolley every day or at the same time but since school/work started back up this fall, I get to enjoy thier PDA all over again. And yes, they are still GROSS.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
ahhh PDA! Don't these people have bedrooms to go to? I could never feel comfortable making out on a train like that...where is their comfort threshhold?
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
They were doing that on the brown line?!?! I would expect that behavior on the Red Line, but not the Brown line...
Did they look like they were going to work or just getting home?
Ha Ha! I take the red and brown lines. One hot summer day on the redline I had two scantily clad, sweaty underaged types totally going at it right in front of me. I felt like I was being forced to watch the movie Kids or a live Calvin Klein ad. It was repulsive.