Went to check out the brand new Anthro (for Christmas shopping, of course): Stopped at a shoe boutique that had everything marked 40% off, so I bought these for me:
And this at Anthro for my friend's dog obsessed 2 year old.
I ordered the Rebecca Minkoff Morning After bag in chocolate, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it. Two girls on another forum had the gold hardware chip off within a week, so I'm not sure I want to chance it.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
This rug that I have wanted for a year. Plus I got it marked down from $600 to $160! Yeah!!!!! I was good with the rest of my weekend shopping-all Christmas gifts. I just couldn't pass up that deal.
zeitgeist4 wrote: I ordered the Rebecca Minkoff Morning After bag in chocolate, but I'm not sure if I'm going to keep it. Two girls on another forum had the gold hardware chip off within a week, so I'm not sure I want to chance it.
Just to offer you some hope, I've had mine for a couple of months and no chipping. My hardware looks like it is brass and like it wouldn't chip even if I scraped a screwdriver on it. Hope your is the same, it's an awesome bag.
Know first, who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.
tights from Target- gray ribbed knit, open white knit, assets amarylis plant from Target thermal undershirt gray pinstriped pants from H and M (but got home and found a hole I hope they have a pair to exchange for, because II must have tries on 20 pairs in different store and these were the only pair I liked) thin black cardigan from H and M
mostly just trying to get ready for dressy season at work. Yeah, now that I finally have casual down...
I heard about a Dolce Vita sample sale at the last minute - I got these 3 things for $130! in a beautiful shade of green I really wanted to get these in blue but they didn't have my size