I don't know who my secret santa is. I got a red purse and blue dangly earrings -- pics TK. My husband is wondering how my San Antonio Santa knew about my obsession with purses and that my favorite color is red.
I got my gist last night- thanks Bex!!! DH left out camera at work, but she got me a giftset with a body wash, a lotion, and a lipgloss. They smell great- I can't wait to try them out!
Shopgirl, so sorry that was me!!!!!! I am your secret santa, I forgot to put the card in the package, because I was scared that you would not see the earrings in the snowman gift bag. I am very happy that you love the gifts.
I got my gift too! My SS was shopaholic & I got a beautiful red velvet / gold necklace. I will try to whip out the camera at some point today in between charging the batteries & getting packed. I really love it, thank you so much.
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
laken1 wrote: I got my gift too! My SS was shopaholic & I got a beautiful red velvet / gold necklace. I will try to whip out the camera at some point today in between charging the batteries & getting packed. I really love it, thank you so much.
hi laken1...well...the usps took long enough....i've been waiting for you to post for so long...im really glad you like your gift...i dont know if InStyle sent you an email or not (they were supposed to) but i also got you a subscription to InStyle magazine, your first issue should be there in February...enjoy
My SS was Ranchera20. She got me the cutest bown bag. It's adorable! I was super excited to get my present today because I was headed out of town tomorrow for a week and thought I wouldn't get it before then. Thanks so much!! I will post pics later. Oh! There was also a cute blue bracelet in the box as well. Thank you so much!!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
HeatherLynn wrote: My SS was Ranchera20. She got me the cutest bown bag. It's adorable! I was super excited to get my present today because I was headed out of town tomorrow for a week and thought I wouldn't get it before then. Thanks so much!! I will post pics later. Oh! There was also a cute blue bracelet in the box as well. Thank you so much!!
YAY I'm so happy you got it before you left!! I made the bracelet for you since I read you liked jeweled colors. And actually I had made two but when I was wrapping them up the other one broke! Happy Holidays and have fun on your trip!!
Fairywings, I'm so glad you liked your present! I hope the tee fits, I wasn't sure whether to get an xs or small. When I was looking at all the different pink tees that VS had and I seen the one with the skull I was like that's it, that's the one! I had a lot of fun shopping for you Merry Christmas!
And my present came on Saturday, sorry it took me so long to post, I kept forgetting to upload the pic from my camera. My SS was Marq. She got me an assortment of things, a Swell book, pink dangly earrings, Christmas queen ornament, cocoa butter for my preggo tummy, bibs for the baby, a silk scarf, dark chocolate bar and little dress stickers:
Especially love the bibs, they are sooo cute! Thank you for the thoughtful gift!
Thank you so much asf! I am so sorry it took me so long to post, I did recieve my gift Monday night this is just the first chance I have had to take pictures and log on! I love the necklace it will match so many things I have and that is the cutest box!! Have a Merry Christmas! Sorry I kept you wondering.
My Secret Santa was Shpgqueenet!! She took very good hints from my survey and gave me:
1. My favorite movie - Sixteen Candles (which I actually didn't have a copy of so I am so happy!)
2. 2 Harry Conick Jr. CD's, 1 christmas and 1 regular - I just LOVE his voice!!
3. This adoreable apron from Anthro! I had said I wanted to start cooking more and this cute apron will totally motivate me!! (Side note: DH said "If all it took was an owl apron to get you to cook more I would have gotten one a long time ago!" He just doesn't get it!!)
Thank you so much! I love everything, I have had the Christmas CD in my player since I got it!! Merry Christmas and thanks again!!!
so, I hear the door buzz, so I run out of the shower anf=d get a package from the mailman, while still only in a towel, adn I see a box from Sephora that I did not order and I thought....SECRET SANTA! DIzzy bought me a still set with a cute brown makeup bag with lip gloss, eyeshadow ( Kitten, which I have been dying to try) and luminizer...also there were lots of fun samples! Tahnsk you sooo much, it made my day....oh no, I hear Jack waking up!!!
My wonderful secret santa was Aurora! She got me a wonderful book on wine which I'm totally digging because wine is my new obsession and I've been trying to learn. I'm even going to take some wine-tasting classes in the new year. She got me this adorable little book to write the wine's down that I try and some great fuzzy warm socks. I actually went out today, wearing one of the new pairs of socks, and bought some wine! I'm spending the holidays by myself (bf is away and I'm on call for the hospital so I can't go home to my family) so I figure I will just drink my lonely weekend away. Yay for Aurora and wine!
Thanks again, Aurora...everything was perfectly suited for me.
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
ILoveChoo wrote: I got my gist last night- thanks Bex!!! DH left out camera at work, but she got me a giftset with a body wash, a lotion, and a lipgloss. They smell great- I can't wait to try them out!
I'm glad you liked it! Hempz lotion & lipgloss is my favorite! I haven't tried their body wash but I'm sure its just as good as the rest of the stuff!
rlutz wrote: so, I hear the door buzz, so I run out of the shower anf=d get a package from the mailman, while still only in a towel, adn I see a box from Sephora that I did not order and I thought....SECRET SANTA! DIzzy bought me a still set with a cute brown makeup bag with lip gloss, eyeshadow ( Kitten, which I have been dying to try) and luminizer...also there were lots of fun samples! Tahnsk you sooo much, it made my day....oh no, I hear Jack waking up!!!
Yay! It was supposed to be there TUESDAY, today was their absolute last possible day to deliver and UPS said they tried to deliver it yesterday - I've been dying! Glad you like it - I hate generic gifts, and you said no smelly things like soaps or candles so I got you the gift set that I wanted (is the bag as cute in real life?) I have the luminizer and it's great. Plus I figured with a new baby, you dont' have time for makeup shopping. Enjoy the samples!
yay !! my secret santa was sandy !!! i got this cool margarita set!!
i tried to take a picture of it, but this is much better ! i'm so excited ! i wanted it so much ! in the summer my friends and i always go to the pool in our neighborhood and think this is perfect !!
i also got a book of frozen drink recipies !
and it was wrapped beautifully !! thank you so much ! i love it !!
it was the perfect start to my christmas days off !!!
I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. -Frank Sinatra
Yippeeeeee!!!! I needed this today. I got home and there was a package sitting on my front step. My SS was Lilykind. She is the absolute best. I got "The Devil Wears Prada" and "Breakfast at Tiffany's" which is exactly what I've been wanting. She also gave me some yummy chocolate which I'm going to eat while lounging around watching my movies. Better than Bon-Bon's!!!! There was also a sweet thoughtful card. I LOVED the pink tissue that it was wrapped in. Thank you so much hon, you made my day.