I'd really like to finish up my Christmas shopping this weekend.
I'm struggling with what to get my three closest girl friends. They all have really good taste and, like me, are pretty particular about the things they like.
Anyone have any creative ideas? We don't usually spend much on each other, maybe $30. We often default to getting one another Philosophy products, but I'd like to branch out a bit this year.
If they like bathy things Lush.com is a good alternative to philosophy. I really love the bath bombs there and the crumble bars. I really like some of Collette's ideas as well and I don't think you could go wrong if you went with one of those.
yeah my girlfriends usually don't "need" anything or have different tastes - i'll usually get them cute underwear/pajamas, or framed pics of all of us, or DVDs that have some kind of sentimental value...
I'm being cheap this year and buying all my friends a bottle of Little Black Dress Merlot. I'm going to wrap it in cellophane, tie it with clear ribbon and drape the neck with a "pearl" necklace attached with a card from me.
You could do this and attach like a $20 gift card to their favorite store.
Fashion your life as a garland of beautiful deeds. -Buddha
aclassicbeauty wrote: I'm being cheap this year and buying all my friends a bottle of Little Black Dress Merlot. I'm going to wrap it in cellophane, tie it with clear ribbon and drape the neck with a "pearl" necklace attached with a card from me.
That's a really cute idea!!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
My group of girls has started doing a fun dinner or tea as our present. It's sort of a splurge, but not too much, and it gives us time to chat and hang out as we celebrate being friends. I like it because it's an excuse to try some new place and catch up...while still being a fun "present."
I decided to get them each a wide scarf (kind of like the one Colette posted) and a nice lip balm. I'm going to tuck away these other idea for any last minute emergency gifts that might come up.