I am completely at a loss for ideas of what to get my mom for Xmas. I have absolutley no clue whatsoever. In past years we have done spa gcs, clothing gcs, she has any gadget any woman could ever want, the house is full of knicknacks, she doesn't like bath products....I just have no inkling at all of what we should get for her.
My absolute favorite gift to give is a photo book from www.mypublisher.com. I love these things for hard to buy for people. I am giving one to my parents and my in-laws. They are hard-bound books (leather or linen covers) filled with your digital photos. You download your pics into their site and you design your own book. You can arrange the pics how you want and add captions if you like. The ones I just ordered came in yesterday and I am truly delighted with how they turned out. The best part is that they are extremely affordable. I made three books ("classic" linen hard covered) and it came to $66.00 including shipping! I did use a code from costco.com so if you do decide to try this you may want to search online for a code too. For a little more than $20 a book you can't go wrong! I highly recommend this gift!
You should check out gifts.com. You can answer questions about your mom and it will list some possible gifts or you can pick her personality type. That's what I did for my dad and came up with a great gift. He is really hard to buy for and I couldn't come up with anything, but this had some great ideas. HTH!
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I'm in the same boat as you, Metric. My mom is impossible to shop for. She has a ton of knicknacks, but I still got her a waterford bowl because I couldn't think of anything else. I'm still keeping an eye out for something better though.
Maybe you could get her a gift card to one of her favorite restaurants?
If she likes wine, you could subscribe her to a wine of the month club? I can't look at alcohol-related sites at work, but I think that wine.com has a list of clubs, some affiliated w/ Wine Spectator magazine.
What about tickets to a play or soemthing like that for the two of you to do together? Last year I got my parents tickets to Wicked and it was the best gift for them!
Other ideas
GC for movie tickets wrapped up with microwave popcorn and other goodies you eat at the movies.
DVD's of her favorite movies or tv shoes or CD's
A month of a cleaning lady
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw