We had a great time! We met up at Hot Chocolate. I was late so I missed the beginning festivities. The attendees were rlutz, Farrah, shopchicago33, JaCl, Killa, luv2shop, Collette, et moi.
The food was delish and we had a spacey posh table in the back of the place. Safe to say we were the most stylish table in that joint :) Our gift exchange was fun! I think most of us must've had Philosophy somewhat or another on our wish list because there were a few sets on the table! I got a great set of wine glasses from killa, much-needed & just in time for holidays. Thanks again hon!
We took a couple of pictures that I can post if everyone gives me the okay. That's all I can think of, anyone else feel free to chime in!
-- Edited by Vanessa at 17:39, 2006-12-03
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
I think you summed it up Vanessa! Vanessa was my secret santa and she got me a Philosophy 3 in 1 Ski House gift set and a Stila Lip Glaze set - thanks again for the great gift sweetie!
We had a great time. I'm fine w/you posting pics Vanessa!
I had a great time as well! Was bummed I had to head out to a friends birthday party afterwards. Would have loved to hang out and chat more with everyone.
ShopChicago33 got me the yummiest smelling Cinnamon Buns body wash and lotion. Problem is my dog loves the smell too. It's the "jergens natural glow" incident all over again.
Vanessa post the pics, I can't wait to see them!
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
I just have to say (and I think Collett would agree with me) the chocolate martinis were TO DIE FOR!! YUM!! She was also my Secret Santa and gave me some Christmas DVD's that I really wanted, Elf and this really cute elf movie with the delish Harry Conick JR. that I can't wait to watch! Thanks again!
It was a super fun night!! I am also happy to report that after dinner JacL, Vanessa, Shopchicago33 and I met the angriest man on the planet and his friend "Chainsaw" that does a super neat trick with his ear (there was another guy with them that was a very nice, normal fun guy - he was the one with a girlfriend which made total sense to us after we found that out) - very entertaining!!
My Secret Santa was JacL and she got me some Godiva Creme Brulee coffee and a Philosophy Holiday Rescue gift set which I promply used last evening.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
I had a great time and am sad it's over. Farrah got me awesome gifts from one of my favorite stores -- CB2! One of the gifts was a replica of the Eiffel Tower (perfect for my desk at work, where I work in global communications -- so thoughtful!) and the other was a super-cute martini ornament.
I had a great time meeting up with everybody again! The restaurant was excellent (best desserts ever!) and I had a lot of fun going out afterward.
Luv2Shop was my Secret Santa and she gave me a really nice Christmas-themed gift box with a long knit black scarf, black and white-striped gloves, OPI Lincoln Park After Dark, a silver cat stocking holder, and a silver shoe ornament she decorated herself (which, I must say, will not be going on the tree because it is on permanent display in my girly-themed bathroom).
It was a super fun night!! I am also happy to report that after dinner JacL, Vanessa, Shopchicago33 and I met the angriest man on the planet and his friend "Chainsaw" that does a super neat trick with his ear (there was another guy with them that was a very nice, normal fun guy - he was the one with a girlfriend which made total sense to us after we found that out) - very entertaining!!
First, everyone is so pretty! Dang!
Second, how old was said Chainsaw? My husband has a friend named Chainsaw who moved to Chicago with his other friend and gf. I hope it wasn't him.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
It was a super fun night!! I am also happy to report that after dinner JacL, Vanessa, Shopchicago33 and I met the angriest man on the planet and his friend "Chainsaw" that does a super neat trick with his ear (there was another guy with them that was a very nice, normal fun guy - he was the one with a girlfriend which made total sense to us after we found that out) - very entertaining!!
First, everyone is so pretty! Dang!
Second, how old was said Chainsaw? My husband has a friend named Chainsaw who moved to Chicago with his other friend and gf. I hope it wasn't him.
Oh no - now that's too funny! Chainsaw's real name was Adam if that helps...and I believe he was 28 - correct me if I'm wrong Farrah.
I have a picture of chainsaw doing his ear trick too, if it comes down to it I can pm you the link :) I believe that he is from this area though I could be wrong.
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
I have a picture of chainsaw doing his ear trick too, if it comes down to it I can pm you the link :) I believe that he is from this area though I could be wrong.
I think my husband's friend is 26, but I will ask him what his real 1st name is. I can't believe there are 2 Chainsaws running around Chicago!
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde