I'm taking my little boy to the vet today. I found a lump on his side. I'm very frightened. He's only 5 years old - he's a terrier mix named Boo.
Boo is okay. They didn't want to test it because they said it costs a lot and there is only a 60% chance that they would be able to get a decent sample. The vet said it was a good size and shape and that I should just monitor it. I'm having his teeth cleaned in a few months and they can remove it then if necessary. I'm really happy, too, because I finally found a vet I like and Boo, who is a chunky butt, has lost 3 lbs.
Oh, I hope Boo is ok! And just thought I'd offer you some hope, I found a lump on my beagle, behind her ear and it turned out to just be a fatty lump, I guess dogs can get these and they're fairly common. So, hopefully that's what it is! Big hugs to you and a belly scratch to Boo
FashionPrincess wrote: Oh, I hope Boo is ok! And just thought I'd offer you some hope, I found a lump on my beagle, behind her ear and it turned out to just be a fatty lump, I guess dogs can get these and they're fairly common. So, hopefully that's what it is! Big hugs to you and a belly scratch to Boo
I had the same thing happen with my dog when I was a kid,I guess as they get older they sometimes develop lumps.
I hope everything is okay with your dog.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Big hugs. I hope everything is ok. My doggie has a few bumps on his head and my vet said its normal and nothing to worry about (he tested one) so hopefully boo will get the same outcome.
FashionPrincess wrote: Oh, I hope Boo is ok! And just thought I'd offer you some hope, I found a lump on my beagle, behind her ear and it turned out to just be a fatty lump, I guess dogs can get these and they're fairly common. So, hopefully that's what it is! Big hugs to you and a belly scratch to Boo
Yeah, I think they're fairly common too. My old dog was a terrier and also developed lumps here and there.
I'll keep you and your pup in my thoughts. Let us know how things go.
Everyone is right tho. Dogs can get lots of lumps and bumps. My Mitch had a big cyst removed when he was just 3 years old. I know a lot of others on the board have gone through the same thing.
I hope everything is okay! My sister's dog had a lump too. They were scared to death, but it turned out to be nothing, and just disappeared on its own. Hope that's the case with Boo. Let us know!