Nope, it's freakishly warm in DC right now. It's supposed to be 70 degrees this afternoon! I think we're going to get some actual winter weather soon, as the cold front that the midwest is getting makes its way here.
Oh it's coming down in downtown Chicago, but I wish I was snowed in at home. Unfortunately, I had to make the trek into work. I hope it stops by the time I go home! It's windy, blizzardy, and nasty!
Of course, shopchicago33 and I work a block from each other so it is the same thing for me too. I wish that we got snow days in the real world - that would be super!!!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Farrah wrote: Of course, shopchicago33 and I work a block from each other so it is the same thing for me too. I wish that we got snow days in the real world - that would be super!!!
I know! Is it wrong of me that, this morning while getting ready for work, I hoped my boss would call up and tell me to stay home?
I'm kinda bummed. Since it had been so nice, I guess I was kind of hoping that we could just skip winter this year. Ha, silly me!
This morning a friend from work called and told me that we didn't have to come in, but I have a different boss (he's in a different building and I'm the only person who falls under him), so I called him to verify. He told me that I had to come in and I said that I'd be the only one there, and he basically said he needed me for phones. Stupid!! No one's working! So about an hour in to what is normally a 25 minute drive, he called and told me to turn around because the weather wasn't getting any better. Duh. So now I'm home.
Unfortunately I really need to go to the grocery store so I have no idea what I'm going to do for sustenance. Ice cream for lunch!
shopchicago33 wrote: Oh it's coming down in downtown Chicago, but I wish I was snowed in at home. Unfortunately, I had to make the trek into work. I hope it stops by the time I go home! It's windy, blizzardy, and nasty!
Oh it's coming down in downtown Chicago, but I wish I was snowed in at home. Unfortunately, I had to make the trek into work. I hope it stops by the time I go home! It's windy, blizzardy, and nasty!
I'm definitely not snowed in - I'm in KY, and usually it has snowed at least a little by now...but it's been like in the 60s all week and we had LOT of rain last it's pretty cold, but if it'd only been colder we would've had a ton of snow!
ETA: I just checked the weather (haven't even been out of my house yet today, it's ridiculous)... and it's 20 degrees out! So maybe snow tonight...?
Of course, even though it's 20 outside, my landlord doesn't see the need to turn the heat on! I'm dying!
-- Edited by ttara123 at 13:20, 2006-12-01
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I'm kinda semi-snowed in. We got about an inch of ice and then about 4" of snow and where I live it's very hilly and they really don't clean the roads, so we haven't left the house in over 24 hours. Hubby is thinking about going to work since the main road has been traveled some. I love the snow though!!!
Sunshinegirl wrote: It's 82 today and i had to put my a/c on last night because of the humidity The hell, I want some cooler weather .
Sunshinegirl, we were in FL at the beginning of Nov and it was still over 90 with high humidity. I complain about the winter, but i think I prefer it to that kind of heat, especially this time of year.
Shopchicago - It sucks that you had to commute in this. Hopefully you don't have to walk far to the stations.
Farrah - sweet potatos and peas! Yum!
How's it lookin down there? It just stopped snowing here.