I'm trying to be more neat and clean in my apt and I was wondering how long everyone kept things like water bills, utility bills, cc bills, etc? I just finished shredding all my grocery/store/restaurant receipts from last year which I think is a bit excessive. So what rule do yall go by?
I try my hardest to get as many bills as possible online, but those that I have to receive paper bills for get shredded immediately after I pay them. It is kind of like an extra reminder of what needs to be paid.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
Farrah wrote: I try my hardest to get as many bills as possible online, but those that I have to receive paper bills for get shredded immediately after I pay them. It is kind of like an extra reminder of what needs to be paid.
I do the same.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I usually keep mine until the next month's bill comes. I've run into a few problems w/certain companies, and it paid off having the copy of the bill when I called to complain.
My receipts I shred as soon as the transaction goes thru my bank acct. I also try to get as many bills as possible online. If I must get a paper bill, I usually keep it for a year.
i probably have bills from the last 3 years. judging by other responses- i guess thats not normal! i should throw them away- i still have all my 2004 receipts sorted by month!