Yesterday in one of my classes, the girl sitting next to me asked if I took notes and if she could copy them. I said sure, thinking she'd just need the last lecture's notes, so I asked her which ones she needed. She said she needs all the notes since our last test (which was over a month ago)! I kind of already told her she could, but we have our last test next Wednesday and I kind of need them myself. I could copy them for her, but seriously, we have services where students get paid to take notes and then slackers can buy them from them. I'm not getting paid, I'm just being a good student and taking them myself. Ughh. I know I'm probably going to give them to her anyway because I'm a nice person but seriously, who does that??
By the way, this is a girl that I've spoken maybe 15 words to on one occassion. I don't even know her.
Bad taste is like a nice dash of paprika. We all could use more of it. It's no taste I'm against. -Diana Vreeland
I've been in the situation where I've needed a lot of notes, so I sympathize with her. Sometimes things happen, and what else are you supposed to do but ask someone else? If there are notes available and she's just too cheap to buy them, I fault her. But if this is her only way... I think I'd let her copy them. But I'm always nervous that someone I don't know will run away with my notes and I'll be left with nothing, so whenever I'm copying notes or letting someone copy notes, I always just say "I'll meet you at the copy machines in the library and we'll copy them together" - then it's quick, and you can keep an eye on your stuff the whole time. If she says she wants to hand-copy or take them home or something, just say that you need to study every night for the exam, so you really can't do that. I don't think I'd ever let a stranger take my notes out of my sight overnight.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
If she asks you again for them, you could just say "oh...sorry, I forgot that we had a test coming up and I need them to study." Then you could point her in the direction of student services. I think it's kind of lame that she hasn't taken notes in a month and then wants to borrow yours to copy. I used to hate that kind of thing.
ETA: After reading ttara's post, if she's going to copy them at a copy machine, then fine. I wouldn't let her take them home with her though.
ETA: After reading ttara's post, if she's going to copy them at a copy machine, then fine. I wouldn't let her take them home with her though.
-- Edited by NCshopper at 11:30, 2006-11-28
ITA. I would let her copy them in front of me, but there is no way in H that some random chick would be allowed to run off with my notes.
To answer your question though, she is being nervy. Unless she has a fantastic reason for needing them (death in the family, illness, etc), laziness just doesn't cut it for me. Unfortunately most of the experiences I had with people like this in college were the lazy kind.
-- Edited by Farrah at 12:09, 2006-11-28
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
I would give her the benefit of the doubt, that she really has a legitimate reason for not taking notes for a month, but I would definitely make her copy them in front of me. When I was in school, some girl I didn't know asked to borrow my notes for an econ class and I let her and then she never showed up for class again! Luckily, somebody lent me their notes after that because that could have cost me a good grade! That was a hard class.