I asked this question in Travel already and got a couple of responses, and while they were good, they ended up not helping all that much in my case. I thought I'd get more traffic here, since it's really cutting it close now.
Basically, a group of 7 of us are going to NYC next month and were supposed to have a reservation somewhere but my bf never called... so they can't accomm0date us. I've been searching all over but I can't find a restaurant that sounds cool for us to go to. I was hoping you girls (NYC girls or others) might have some recommendations for me. We'll be in Rockefeller Center until around 4pm and then playing it by ear. I'd prefer to stay in Midtown, but it's not a big deal if we have to venture to other areas.
There's a restaurant called Carmines that's great for big groups. It's family-style Italian and the prices are reasonable (once you split the costs between everyone). The location I'm familiar with is on the Upper West Side (90th St. & B'way), but there's a midtown location too (44th btwn B'way and 8th). I know they only take reservations for large groups (6 or 8 or more, I can't remember). They're worth a shot. Additionally there's a restaurant near where I live called Tony Di Napoli (83rd & 2nd, or 147 w 43rd btwn B'way and 6th -- didn't realize they had two locations). They're also family-style Italian, but more expensive.
"I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." - G. Radner
My sense of direction is non existent, so I don't know if this place is in Midtown, but when I was in NYC last year, a large group of us (10, I think) ate at Tamarind. It's a fabulous Indian place! So, so good. If I go to NYC again this year, I'm definitely going back.