I know this is really a shot in the dark, but does anyone on here play the banjo?
When a close family friend died earlier this year, my family got all of his musical instruments. He had a whole lot of guitars, and while I was home for Thanksgiving, my dad offered one to me. But I told him that really, I would prefer the banjo because I have this secret fantasy of joining a bluegrass band
Before I shell out the money for lessons, I want to play around a little and see if it's all I dream it will be. Which leads me to my question...I'm planning on getting an instructional DVD, and I was wondering if anyone had any recs.
The End.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
My dad plays it. I could never pick it up but i am musically tallentless, and his is left handed. I asked him how he learned and he just said he plucked around and figured it out. I love that he plays the banjo I love the sound.