just wanted some hugs...found out a girl that was really close w/my close group of college friends (i didn't know her that well, but hung out w/her several times) passed away from a blood clot in her heart a couple of days ago. so sad and its been bothering me even though i wasn't close with her.
and i came home from being home for a few days to find my car TOTALED on the street. The trunk was basically taken off. There is a police report which i can get in a few days, but now i have no car, which i semi-needed for work and getting around, even though i live in nyc (its a four mile walk to work now- 1mile each way, to both stops, twice a day, plus i often have extremely heavy bags) plus i used it for storage, so i had to empty out my trunk and there was sooo much stuff in it that now has no home (my 8 by 8 room is already full!). Plus i went through hell and back to find that car after my last car got totaled (again, not my fault AT ALL). I seem to be having bad luck lately, though i am very lucky i am alive. it just sucks to come home to that.
oh no! sorry about your friend. its strange and sad to hear about people our age dying suddenly even if you aren't close with them. thats terrible about your car too. did anyone see what happened to your car?
wow, that is horrible! yes, there are a lot of things to be thankful for, but it doesn't keep things like this from sucking. hopefully, there will be a silver lining in the cloud.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I'm so sorry! It's completely understandable why you'd be sad about your friend dying, even if you didn't know her well. And to have your car totalled on top of that is the last thing you needed to deal with. I hope things get better soon, Lynnie.
I'm really sorry to hear about your friend. I know you were really looking forward to going home, so it is a bummer that the trip ended w/ a totalled car! Hope things get better.