WTHR-TV Hancock County - A Hancock County couple filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Starbucks claiming hot chocolate burned their daughter in 2004.
According to court papers, Alexis Brennan went through the drive-thru at the Starbucks near 116th and I-69 in Fishers. Brennan claims hot chocolate spilled out of the cup and onto her daughter's lap, causing the skin on her leg to fall off.
Brennan claims Starbucks served adult hot chocolate instead of a child's drink, which is served at a lower temperature. The woman says her daughter suffered permanent injuries which limits the girl's activity.
Brennan is suing for an undisclosed amount of money. A spokesman for Starbucks told Eyewitness News he hasn't seen the lawsuit yet.
How many things can I point out that are wrong in this? Honestly, the complete lack of personal responsibility anymore and the fact that we've become a sue-happy nation just pisses me off to no end.
Should I sue my CC for giving me a card with a decent limit, which led to me using it and getting debt, causing me financial problems? Should I sue CHI for the time I burnt my ear while flat-ironing my hair?
Seriously, this couple completely appears to be looking to get some $$$, not because they actually feel wronged. I feel bad for the little girl, but her parents are brainless in this situation.....
Sorry, I had to vent
EDIT: In case it's not clear from the above story, the mother reached behind her and handed the toddler the hot chocolate to drink. While driving.
For some, Starbucks' decision to cancel a free-drink coupon last week was disappointing.
For others, it was lawsuit material.
A New York paralegal sued the Seattle-based coffee chain Friday, accusing it of deceptive advertising.
Last month, Starbucks e-mailed a coupon for a free iced beverage to some employees and encouraged them to forward it to friends and family. Starbucks stopped honoring the coupon last week, a month short of its Sept. 30 expiration date, saying it had been "redistributed beyond the original intent."
The lawsuit, filed in New York County Supreme Court, seeks $114 million in damages for a class that attorney Peter Sullivan figures will include a million New Yorkers.
For now, though, the only named plaintiff is Kelly Coakley, a paralegal who does not work at Sullivan's firm.
Starbucks said it has not received a copy of the lawsuit.
David Moore, director of quantitative research at The Hartman Group, a Bellevue-based marketing-research firm, likened the suit to an infamous case in which McDonald's was sued by a customer who was burned after spilling hot coffee.
"The average consumer looks at [these lawsuits] as being somewhat frivolous and somewhat opportunistic things that lawyers get a bad reputation for," Moore said.
Sullivan said he understands that reaction but disagrees.
"In New York, this is of great significance to many people day-to-day," he said. "There were lines of people outside Starbucks. There are a lot of upset people."
Ah, yes, the coupon lawsuit. Starbucks maybe should've taken the coupon, and given a cut-off date for acceptance, but I think that guy was ridiculous for suing over something that trivial. His free drink that he got turned away from cost him a whole lot less than a lawsuit!