I've worked my butt off all day. Dinner is almost ready, and I need a ST break. I ended up having almost everything I needed to prepare dinner. Only had to send the hubby out for a spice I was out of and some Bloody Mary Mix
My Thanksgiving is going great so far. I even got out of socializing with extended family members by passing out on the couch right after dinner. Who knew that sleep was so effective as a conversation stopper?
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
Great! We had our mom's side of the family over to our house, so at noon all the women came here and cooked while the guys went to my uncle's house to watch a football game. Around 4 or 5 we all ate, and then my cousin and I spent like an hour playing with my dad's digital camera - it has some mode where it will take like 3 pictures a second, so we kept doing that and jumping off of things or dancing and now we have a bunch of little flipbook pictures.
Yes, I'm aware we look like we're 5 years old jumping off of things for an hour
My aunts all traded clothes and my cousins and I did (well, mostly I just gave my old clothes to my younger cousins). We all looked through the ads for tomorrow, listened to music, and hung out. It was just a really nice time - everyone was in a good mood, and there weren't any little kids (I know that's awful! But one family didn't come, and they have a lot of little kids who are kind of bratty, it's not so fun)
ETA: And now I'm about to email everyone the best pictures from the night
-- Edited by ttara123 at 20:14, 2006-11-23
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
It was one of the best I've had in a long time. There was no time for BF & I to leave Atlanta to be with either of our families so we stayed put. We went out to the Thanksgiving dinner buffet at Ray's on the River. Everything was soooo good, the Chattahoochee river looked gorgeous by night, plus I didn't have to cook!
Now I'm trying to research touristy things to do this weekend.
Ours was great! We had my parents, my brother-in-law and my aunt and her boyfriend over for the big meal. My mom and I made two pies and other than that, DH did all the cooking. I'm spoiled! My brother-in-law has a great camera and took all sorts of great "food-porn" pictures, which I'll post once he sends them to us.
We were at my Grandmas with some other family from my moms side. DH watched football, I helped cook and we all played with my adorable little cousins. Dinner was fantastic, then my mom and my aunt and I locked ourselves in my grandmas office so we could watch Grey's Anatomy and emerged when it was over. Great episode BTW.
Now we have all eaten breakfast and clipped all the coupons we can and are off to Kohls, Target, and then the mall ALL DAY! We are crazy shoppers today so look out! lol Tonight we are going with my aunt and uncle and my little cousins to this cool christmas tree lighting/fireworks display to start off the holiday season.