ok, I just had to post this before I loose my mind.
Every day I go to starbucks. Once at 7 am and then again at 4pm. The starbucks I go to generally has amazing service and very nice people .. that was until they hired "happy girl" about a month ago.
So "happy girl" talks in a baby voice to every customer. Like we are idiots or something. THIS IS NOT HER NORMAL VOICE. I DREAD going in when she is working because she is so fake nice it drives me frickin crazy. SHe says things like "ohhh I love your beautiful name" only she says it in the baby voice and she says it to every customer in line. She is so fricken happy fake smile I swear she puts vasoline on her teeth so that her damn mouth always smiles.
Ok so fast forward to this morning - I stand in line while she take 15 min to ring up some lady and her kid. she is having some inane conversation with this 7 year old about "choloclicious choc chips, and yummy mummy cupcakes " for thanksgiving. (in the baby voice!) I finally get up there and order my usual and she says "ahhh you look like you need a squishy!) WTF is a squishy? So I go "huh?" and she says it again " you know a squishy" and I am like "I dont know what that is" and she goes "its a hug silly!"
Seriously I get having happy employees but this girl is ruining my day.
I had this happen to me at Requa Inn during our June roadtrip in CA. The waitress during breakfast baby talked REALLY LOUD and commented on the volume I ate REALLY LOUD in a baby voice. "look at you! you ate all of that?!?! awww! looks like someone was hungry today!" among other baby voiced comments. argh!!!!!!!!! I practically ran out of the dining room to avoid having to listen to her again. I almost complained about her to management.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
As a former Starbucks employee, I know that they really take to heart what loyal customers have to say. You don't want to put her job in jeopardy, but her manager should know that she's really turning you off and they're in danger of losing your business unless she drops the condescending attitude and baby voice. (Personal side rant, but I hate, hate, HATE when someone says you need a hug or you should smile. Ugggggggggh!)
Anyway, chances are that she's pissing off other customers, so you'd probably be doing them a service to let them know that she's a problem. And can you imagine working with her??? I'd probably want to shoot myself having to listen to a baby voice like that 8 hours a day!!!
I'm a brat so I'd totally start talking right back to her in a baby voice. Like (in annoying baby voice) "looks like someone took her annoying pill this morning" or "who's the best barista? You're the best barista, yes you are!" perhaps that will get through to her.
I'm thinking balls are to men what purses are to women. It's just a little bag, but we feel naked in public without it.
Carrie Bradshaw
How IRRITATING! And there is nothing worse than somebody assuming somebody needs a squishy, oh I mean hug! Same goes when people tell me I need to smile. I don't need to smile 24/7. That's fake, and I guess I just have one of those faces that looks like I'm never in a good mood.
Ugh! How annoying, baby voices irritate me to no end. My MIL talks in baby voices constantly, especially to my dog, Mitch, and DH. She's always saying, "Oh, my poor baby" in baby voice to my DH. Sheesh! He's 30 - talk to him like a freakin' adult!
that's funny cause the Starbucks near by husband's office just hired this guy who's like the guy equivalent of this girl. he doesn't talk in a baby voice, but he's just way too incredibly, annoyingly friendly. i was there a week or so ago and he was like, "hello! good morning! welcome to the day and welcome to starbucks!" and then he proceeded to ask me what i had planned for my day and how i felt about it (doing a lot of work)...oh my god it was awful. the only good things is that this guy's presence has helped my husband cut back on his starbuck habit just to avoid him.
don't those people know that most regular starbucks customers need their caffeine before dealing with anyone, particularly annoying people???
So funny! D and I don't go to the Starbuck's closest to our house because of an overly-fake, bubbly woman who drives us NUTS. She's very similar to the girl you described. We actually go out of our way to go a Starbucks where she's not working..lol
It must be all the coffee those people are drinking!!
I had this happen to me at Requa Inn during our June roadtrip in CA. The waitress during breakfast baby talked REALLY LOUD and commented on the volume I ate REALLY LOUD in a baby voice. "look at you! you ate all of that?!?! awww! looks like someone was hungry today!" among other baby voiced comments. argh!!!!!!!!! I practically ran out of the dining room to avoid having to listen to her again. I almost complained about her to management.
Oh, Hell No! Why would a waitress (a woman, for chrissakes!) draw attention to how much her customer ate?!? I don't know I would probably have unbuttoned my pants and belched. But I have no shame.
Speaking of which, I was recently trying on something in a dressing room, and the attendant was like "I'm so glad I saw you in that, because I was thinking of buying it for a cousin who is heavier-set with a bigger chest like you, but I didn't know if it would look good on her, but after seeing you in it, I think I will get it for her. It looks great on you!" Okay, so technically she's complimenting me but calling me fat all at the same time. Bitch, please!
By the way, AllieGurl, my neighborhood coffee shop is full of that type of employee and even more annoying customers, who stand there during the morning rush, asking questions like, "Which of your teas is bold yet fruity?" Then the ridiculously cheerful employee will go into an explanation of every tea, and the customer will hem and haw forever! I think its because I live by a university and these people clearly don't have a 9-5 schedule.