So I really really love this picture of Jennifer Garner's hair that Brazillian posted for Subwolley in Beauty and Health. It is exactly what I have been looking for to take to my hairdresser. Unfortunately I can't get it to print clearly enough on my crappy printer.
This may be a huge longshot but any idea on where I could find this picture in print ie: a back issue of a magazine? Alternatively, is there a solution to getting it to print clearly or is there somewhere I would be able to get it printed without infringing on a copyright?
Why don't you call your hairdresser and find out what his or her e-mail address is and then send the link to the picture via e-mail in advance of your appointment?
Alternatively, I really don't think that it would be a problem in terms of copyright to go to a public place (Kinko's, library, internet cafe, etc.) and print out just one copy on a high quality printer. I've printed out tons of stuff like that before.