I just sent an email about a job to an HR director and i made a stupid mistake.
I received her contact info through a network connection, and I've never spoken to her before. Anyway, I ran spell check on the email, but I had a typo in the subject line and "opportunities" came out as "opprotunities." I'm crazy embarassed, and I'm really interested in the position I contacted her about and I'm afraid I just blew it. I noticed the error as soon as I hit "send" and I tried to stop transmission but it was too late :( Should I just pray that she won't notice or should I send her a quick note apologizing for the oversight? I'm pretty mortified and I think it could be a deal breaker, considering it's an admin position and attention to detail and grammar are really important.
What would you do?
ETA: Just had to edit because I spelled "ADVICE" as "ADVISE!!" WTF is wrong with me today!!!
I would also send a note - and just be yourself in the situation. Everyone makes mistakes! The important thing is that you caught it and you have the self confidence and initiative to admit it and correct the error. Good luck!
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
If it makes you feel any better I think advise is the way the british spell advice. I always cringe when I get emails from the london office and organization is spelled organisation. Drives me up the wall.
i wouldn't send an email JUST about that. Maybe something like, ooo forgot to mention this-..and oh by the way. I understand 100% wanting to give a good impression, but in the world of emails, typos happen. i usually overlook it unless an email is flooded with them. I would honestly probably be more annoyed if i got a second email from someone being like, ohh sorry - in my last email i meant to say "the", but i typed "hte".
I did the EXACT same thing years ago on a law school app! Actually it wasn't even an application, I'd just gotten notification that I was put on the waiting list for my number 1 choice so I called the dean of admissions and asked if there was anything I could do to help my chances and he said write a letter saying what I'd just told him on the phone. So I did and guess how I spelled "opportunity"? as "oppurtunity"!! I'd never made that mistake in my life, I don't know what was wrong with me! Anyway, I stressed about it but decided not to highlight the mistake by calling attention to it and guess what? I got in anyway So I hope the same happy ending happens to you. Good luck!
lynnie wrote: i wouldn't send an email JUST about that. Maybe something like, ooo forgot to mention this-..and oh by the way. I understand 100% wanting to give a good impression, but in the world of emails, typos happen. i usually overlook it unless an email is flooded with them. I would honestly probably be more annoyed if i got a second email from someone being like, ohh sorry - in my last email i meant to say "the", but i typed "hte".
ITA. In my last job resumes came to me and I barely looked ta subject lines- it was all about gettign to the resume and printing it. I would laugh if someone sent a correction.