I have not been posting in a long time as I have been extremely overwhelmed with school and work so I have a lot to catch up on. Also, sadly my dad passed away very unexpectedly in May at the young age of 44. He had a massive heart attack and died at home in my mothers arms the morning of May 4, 2006. Things have been very hard but we are coping and growing stronger everyday. I took this as a wake up call and realized that it was beyond time to start making changes in my life. I joined a gym in August and am starting to see results. I have been able to drop a whole size and I am working really hard at seeing this through. I was a size 22 and am now at a 20 and going down (hopefully). Now, on to the fun part...last week was the first time I had ever stepped foot into an Anthropologie store and I thought it was amazing. After all this time of hearing ya'll go on and on about all the great things they had I was finally able to see it for myself..lol! I loved looking around and I found two very cute tops on sale, I decided to try them on and was so excited to realize that they fit...what a confidence boost!! It was just what I needed to get me through the blahs that I've been going through. Now, it makes my goal of a smaller size even more exciting as I get to shop in that store with such beautiful clothes.
Sorry that it was so long ladies...I just had a lot to say!
I'm so sorry to hear of your father's death. It sounds like you are really doing well though and I'm sure your father would be happy to know that you are trying to make some positive changes in your life.
We're always here if you need to talk or get support. **hugs**
I'm sorry for the rough time you must have been having lately but I am glad you are doing better and are back around here. It is definetly a great feeling to try on clothes thinking they will not be flattering or too small and then you find out they are too big or they fit just right.
I am sorry for your loss. It is a great feeling to be able to fit into things that you never thought possible. Keep up all the good work and stay strong.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I'm sure its very hard to get past something like this but it sounds like you have a positive attitude now which can always make things better for others.
I'm so sorry about your father. It sounds like you're being really strong. Good for you for taking care of yourself during a really difficult time. That's so hard.
Loosing a loved one is so-very rough, I'm sorry for your loss. You should be very proud of yourself for finding a healthy outlet, one that is sure to have a positive influence in your life. Whenever you need a pick-me-up post here or you can PM me. I lost my Dad when I was younger and wouldn't mind chatting if you need to.
P.S. I adore Anthro
Curve: The loveliest distance between two points. ~Mae West
Thanks everyone for all the kind words and thoughts...I really appreciate it. It has been a little rough but what can I do but move on. Sometimes it feels like a new struggle appears everyday and I just try to find a healthier way of working through it...lol.
I do have to admit that I have really missed checking on ya'll...I am not very fashionable but I love to see all of ya'lls ideas. Thanks!