so ever since I've gotten back I'm just so irritable. I'm going nuts. Every little thing pisses me off. I don't want to do anything but sit- by myself- quietly. Music annoys me. The sounds of DH's video games annoys me. Getting up in the morning, cooking dinner, waiting for the bus.... all gets me in a bad mood. WTF?! It's to the poiunt that I'm actually pissing myself off because I'm annoying myself by feeling like this. Is it just readjustment to normal life? To not working 14 hour days and having a life? To seeing more than the same 3 people every day? Have they done studies on people released from prison or something? Do they act/feel like this when they reenter society?
What can I do? This needs to stop because DH is not going to take it for much longer. He's out picking up Chinese now because I dont' feel like cooking. But it's just for him. I don't want Chinese becasue its not on my diet. So I'll just go to bed and not eat or have a banana or something. I had a nice healthy easy (20 minute meals) dinner planned out. I just don't feel like cooking it. And I got home from work at 3 so being tired isn't an excuse.
the first thing I thought of is to work out. you can take all your aggressions out on it, it's good for you, and it will increase your seratonin levels.
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
D wrote: the first thing I thought of is to work out. you can take all your aggressions out on it, it's good for you, and it will increase your seratonin levels.
did that already. didn't work. Now I'm pissed and smelly.
the first thing I thought of is to work out. you can take all your aggressions out on it, it's good for you, and it will increase your seratonin levels.
did that already. didn't work. Now I'm pissed and smelly.
Does it help that you just totally made me crack up? Don't worry chica...things will get better. Best of luck!
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
the first thing I thought of is to work out. you can take all your aggressions out on it, it's good for you, and it will increase your seratonin levels.
did that already. didn't work. Now I'm pissed and smelly.
LMAO. I also wanted to point out, for what it's worth, that being irritable all of the time can also be a symptom of anxiety or depression. If it continues, that may be worth checking into. You are welcome to pm me, too.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
the first thing I thought of is to work out. you can take all your aggressions out on it, it's good for you, and it will increase your seratonin levels.
did that already. didn't work. Now I'm pissed and smelly.
well then, maybe you just need a good lay?
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
I wouldn't worry right now. Just give you self some more time to try and get back into a normal routine.
Also this may sound crazy,but do you get migraine headaches at all? I do and sometimes I can get annoyed by any kind of sound before the headache acutally hits me.
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do you think you could have Seasonal Affective Disorder?
although I do have to add a disclaimer...when we had this lecture in nursing school, it was definitely one of those things that EVERYONE thought that they had (IBS, ADD, etc.. were some of the other ones that fit in this category). I'm not trying to downplay SAD, i'm just saying you could genuinely have it, or you could just be going through a funk. i'm kinda the same way right now. it's dark early, i don't feel like going to the gym when it's dark, it's cold so i want to stay in bed, and thinking about 3+ more months of cold weather does not excite me at all. personally, i feel like i'm just in a funk right now that will go away once i adjust to winter.
if you think this might be the case, maybe you can contact a dr. also, you can always try to take a multi (if you don't already), or even try some phototherapy.
i did a quick search for something that my roommate had...a sunlamp. i felt it really helped sitting under it and even occassional tanning made me feel better in college to help beat the winter blues.
i hope things get better. personally, i think D's idea might really help too.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
Just wanted to say I hope you feel better soon. Also it may be you need some relax time. Coming home and jumping back into work and things after a trip and working long hrs can be a drain.
Collette wrote D can I just say that you have gotten quite saucy lately? I like it!
this happens to me sometimes, and i've noticed that i'm like this after being super-busy for an extended period of time. i'm so used to being overworked, frazzled and just completely going out of my mind that when i'm done, i don't know what to do with myself. i'm still wound up and i'm restless, but don't want to do anything (hello! i just finished a huge project/test etc!), so i feel like i'm going nuts.
it usually subsides after i let myself unwind. usually i sleep it off, since i've been sleep deprived, but what D suggests would do the trick too :)
I actually did do a journal database search for the psychology of prisoner release... I don't know if you were kidding or not, but it got me curious. I couldn't find anything, though.
Think squishy and D are right... you're probably really restless because you're so used to being in high-energy and deadline situations, that you dont' know how to get back into the swing of things with your everyday life anymore! Maybe try exercising everyday... or yoga, which is exercise and relaxation at the same time. See? it's multitasking. Just like you're used to!
Maybe you need to take a day off by yourself and go hiking, or go on a day trip, whatever. But by yourself, so no one is there to annoy or distract you. Maybe you can regain focus
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I think I can relate. Sometimes I'm so keyed up at work - even when things calm down I have a very short fuse and am cranky until I sort of gradually decompress. I find just sitting and reading in silence - no TV can sometimes speed the process faster...I hope you feel better soon! Take care of yourself!
this happens to me sometimes, and i've noticed that i'm like this after being super-busy for an extended period of time. i'm so used to being overworked, frazzled and just completely going out of my mind that when i'm done, i don't know what to do with myself. i'm still wound up and i'm restless, but don't want to do anything (hello! i just finished a huge project/test etc!), so i feel like i'm going nuts.
it usually subsides after i let myself unwind. usually i sleep it off, since i've been sleep deprived, but what D suggests would do the trick too :)
Ditto! After a really busy period at work I find it really hard to feel myself again after things slow down. I tend to feel all of the physical and mental effects of being stressed for awhile even after the cause of the stress is gone.
I wish I had a good answer as to how to feel better. Getting outside or doing something that you just plain enjoy doing helps, as does sex, reading, tv, excercize, etc. But I think a few days of just being back in your old routine will take care of the issue. HTH!
thanks grls. I think i just need a while to adjust back to "normal"...which is not helped by the fact that I keep getting let out of work early because there's nothing to do (I need routine!!). And it's raining so I can't go relax outside.
I think I also went a little crazy this weekend wit hthe cooking/cleaning (I enjoy it and wanted to do it since i hadn't in so long, but I think maybe it burnt me out even more). We're goign to the ballet this weekend for our anniversary...hopefully after a nice weekend I'll feel better....
Sleep. I've been frazzled as hell for a while now. But I finally starting making sure I get eight hours of sleep. And you would not believe the difference it has made in the last week and a half. Obviously it hasn't been that long - but seriously, two days in I was like, "NOTHING bothers me anymore." If you've been in any way sleep deprived for the last few weeks... Get. Some. Sleep. It makes a world of difference.
I'm exactly like that right now, but my pissiness is because my zoloft got lost in the move & I haven't taken it in almost a week. Let me tell you, dropping off of zoloft isn't pretty. I hate everyone, I hate noises, I hate getting up to do anything, my children are seriously on the top of my shit list, I want to kick my dogs, and anyone that looks at me funny is getting the finger.
I went out w/ a friend last night and did some drinking and shopping. that seemed to help (temporarily).