We currently have Tivo service for our DVR, but I'm thinking of cancelling and getting the DVR through Comcast (our current cable provider). Our Tivo is a few years old, and you can only record/watch one show at a time (which sucks!). It's $12.95 monthly. I just called Comcast and found out, I can get a DVR box for free, pay only $9.99/month, and record 2 shows at once and be able to change the channel.
Should I cancel Tivo and go w/the Comcast DVR? I'm interested in hearing if any of you girls have the DVR through Comcast and are happy or have had any issues? Thanks!
I currently the same Tivo service you do. If you decide to stay with Tivo, they have a Series 2 DT DVR that looks like you can record two shows at once. I'm thinking of switching to this Tivo box since my current one is almost three years old.
I can't speak to Kitty's experiences with Comcast, but I used to use them for cable in law school and found their customer service to be dreadful.
I've never used a non-Tivo DVR, but I read that Tivo won some patent suits against other DVR manufacturers that resulted in restrictions on how the non-Tivo companies could design their software. A friend of mine who has a Comcast DVR said that Tivo's interface is better, easier to use, etc. I haven't used a Comcast DVR, but it's something to consider. Do you have any friends who have a non-Tivo DVR so you can compare the interface? I'm a tech-geek and would pay the $13/month if I liked the software better.
I have no experience with Comcast so I can't comment on that, but my experience with Tivo is that they make the best DVRs. I had Tivo through DirectTV when I lived in Brooklyn (I had roof access for installing the small satellite dish) and it was great -- never a problem, very easy to use, etc. Now I have HD DVR through Time Warner Cable. It works well, but not as well as Tivo.
Best Buy carries the Tivo that records two shows at once -- I think it's around $300.
i have no experience with tivo or comcast, but i have my cable company's dvr (time warner). just as an fyi - i can record two shows at once, but i can only change channels back and forth between those two shows. if i want to watch a third show, i have to cancel one of the recordings. not sure if comcast's service is like this also, but i thought i'd put it out there!
freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose - janis
I have had so many problems with Comcast customer service ..it's ridiculous. I absolutely hate them. They've also messed up on our billing frequently, service has gone out, people that came to fix the service didn't know what they were doing, promised channels that weren't actually available in my area, etc.
asf wrote: i have no experience with tivo or comcast, but i have my cable company's dvr (time warner). just as an fyi - i can record two shows at once, but i can only change channels back and forth between those two shows. if i want to watch a third show, i have to cancel one of the recordings. not sure if comcast's service is like this also, but i thought i'd put it out there!
comcast's is the same. whatever you watch counts as a "recorded" show since it needs to be able to rewind and whatnot.
i have no experience with tivo or comcast, but i have my cable company's dvr (time warner). just as an fyi - i can record two shows at once, but i can only change channels back and forth between those two shows. if i want to watch a third show, i have to cancel one of the recordings. not sure if comcast's service is like this also, but i thought i'd put it out there!
comcast's is the same. whatever you watch counts as a "recorded" show since it needs to be able to rewind and whatnot.
This is fine w/me - I just want to be able to record one and watch another, or record 2 at once.
We have had the Comcast DVR for over a year now and we are really happy with it. I say go for it. We can talk turkey at lunch if you want more details though.
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
i have no experience with tivo or comcast, but i have my cable company's dvr (time warner). just as an fyi - i can record two shows at once, but i can only change channels back and forth between those two shows. if i want to watch a third show, i have to cancel one of the recordings. not sure if comcast's service is like this also, but i thought i'd put it out there!
comcast's is the same. whatever you watch counts as a "recorded" show since it needs to be able to rewind and whatnot.
This is fine w/me - I just want to be able to record one and watch another, or record 2 at once.
Choo - do you have Comcast's? How is it?
I used to have it (we have Time Warner now). I didn't have any problems with it at all. I've never used TiVo though so I can't really compare it. I know I preferred Comcast's to TW's because on Com's you could chose to record all new episode of a show (and pass over repeats) and on this one you get all or nothing.
Farrah wrote: We have had the Comcast DVR for over a year now and we are really happy with it. I say go for it. We can talk turkey at lunch if you want more details though.
That sounds perfect babe! You can fill me in on it at lunch
I too upgraded to an comcast dvr when I got an HD tv. I haven't had any problems with it, although it's not nearly as feature-rich as my replaytv. But I"m getting used to it, and you can't beat recording/watching two different shows. HTH!
http://v247.tumblr.com One cannot perceive beauty, but with a serene mind -Thoreau
We did a pre-pay with tivo - you get a dual tuner & 3 years of service for about $360. I realize that is kind of paying ahead of the game but I've been so pleased with it I think so far it's been totally worth it - why pay $300 for a dual tuner when you can get the service to for nearly free ($1.67/month).
I've never had any other DVR service so I can't compare. I just know that my Comcast service has been bought out by Time Warner & I'm super aggrivated because I'm having to change email addresses - what a pain in the ass!!!!!
-- Edited by laken1 at 01:25, 2006-11-14
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I've never had tivo, just DVR service through our cable provider Wave. It's only $10 a month for DVR and HD service and the box was free. I can record two shows at once but not while watching a third show.
asf wrote: i have no experience with tivo or comcast, but i have my cable company's dvr (time warner). just as an fyi - i can record two shows at once, but i can only change channels back and forth between those two shows. if i want to watch a third show, i have to cancel one of the recordings. not sure if comcast's service is like this also, but i thought i'd put it out there!
i don't have comcast anymore, but with my cable co this is the deal too -- also, it doesn't do the self stopping thing when you fast forward commercials that i have seen my friends' tivos do.
that said, i don't really see any reason to BUY a $100 plus unit and then pay a montly fee for TIVO when you can get DVR for only $10-ish per month. and probably upgrade units when needed for little or nothing ... (not sure about this but i was going to ask soon as we have had our DVR for 2 years now)