Tonight: Drinking a GORGEOUS bottle of Cab from a Santa Barbara winery. A thank you gift for watching my friends dog while they went. YUM! Guess I should eat too...
Tomorrow: Hubby has to work tomorrow. I'm going shopping w/ my girls and then having family over for dinner
Sunday: Hubby is going to the Nascar race. Will come home very drunk. Oh joy. I'm going to stay home, work on Christmas presents and prepare the couch for him to sleep on.
I love midtown! Have fun exploring. On a side note, you have to check out the grape. If is a great restaurant if you like wine (and, well, even if you don't). It's a local chain so you have to become aquainted with it while livng there.
"Despite all your best intentions, sometimes, fate wins anyway."
I had to finish a brief I just got home and DH is entertaining it's a little net surfing and watching those creepy true crime dramas...but DH bought me coconut cupcakes from my favorite bakery as a treat!
Tomorrow we are having people over to watch football in the morning - with mimosas.
Then I'm going to SD with a friend for our friend's BF's 29th bday party...and stopping at south coast on the way down.
Sunday I'm probably going to have to per normal.
I heartily second this. I've been to the one at Atlantic Station and the one in Sandy Springs, and the food is excellent, and the wine selection is awesome. A great place for you and the BF to grab a bit, or a pre-dinner drink...
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
*sigh* i'm waiting in the airport on this rainy saturday morning waiting for my flight to philly. but (!) i am enjoying the first of the season peppermint mochas from the 'bucks!
however, last night i went to go see "stranger than fiction" with FH and we really really liked it. also FH treated me to a chocolate shake after the movie yum! side note: i will NEVER fit into my wedding dress if he continues to treat me to sweets!
if i ever get to philly (my flight has already been pushed back) i am meeting my 2 best friends (who are both in my wedding party) to go out and shop, drink, etc. i am so excited! one of them i have seen since i have been engaged but the other (and she is one of my MOHs) i have not so i am pysched to show off my ring to her.
sunday, i'm not sure what we are doing... but i'll be with my girls so it will be good!
I heartily second this. I've been to the one at Atlantic Station and the one in Sandy Springs, and the food is excellent, and the wine selection is awesome. A great place for you and the BF to grab a bit, or a pre-dinner drink...
I third this... and the one in midtown has only been open about a year. It is up the road from stool pigeons (caddy corner from the Federal Reserve Building/across the street from Jocks and Jills). I think it is peachtree and 10th, but as you will know by now from living in ATL a month, Atlantans don't really know directions or addresses it is always "across the street from this... turn at the big tree... etc., etc.
Well...the weekend is now halfway over but this morning I worked out, this afternoon we went to my oldest son's "Super Bowl" football championship game (it was rainy and cold and they lost the game), then we came home and we ordered pizza, my husband went to a neighbor's to play cards, I tried to take my toddlers on "on a ride" to get them to fall asleep and they did but the moment I brought them back inside they woke up! So, my youngest is still awake (yes, it is 11 pm!) and I am hoping he will either go to sleep or hopefully my husband will come home soon so I can get some sleep!
Tomorrow, I am making my husband watch the kids so I can go shopping by myself. The rest of the day will be spent packing for a business trip I have on Monday...
As reported in Weekend Shopping, my mom and I spent the night at Hotel Valencia in Santa Row (San Jose). It was exciting for me because it's the first time I've stayed in a really nice/modern hotel (no floral polyester bedspreads). We had fun shopping, people watching, and eating at restaurants that had outdoor tables. Picking up cake from Cocola Bakery and eating it in the room while watching What Not To Wear was fun too.
Sorry for being a thread hog, but just a few pics I wanted to share.
And the Christmas tree right outside the hotel. Anthropologie is the store directly on the tree's left.
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Gorgeous hotel, z4. And having Anthro right outside the door... well, you know what they say. Location, location, location!
I'm hosting book club today... I'm attempting some appetizers I've never made before -- brie/cranberry phyllo parcels and lavash prosciutto mini-pizzas. Let's hope the group likes it, although I probably should be more concerned about discussing the book than planning the menu... :)