So I work in a large corporate office building, and I sit on a secure floor in a cube. This morning, I walked into my cubicle to see my stuffed dog (from my SO that I keep on top of my printer) hanging from my overhead compartment by it's head. Like the overhead shut on it's head and body hanging out. I am so creeped out...maybe I'm overreacting, but it almost seems like a threat. Another small stuffed animal was shoved into my kleenex box. I don't know if it's the cleaning people thinking they are funny, or someone doesn't like me There's no one at work I've pissed off or don't get along with.
Anyhow, I told my boss and filed a complaint w/Corp. Security..we'll see if they can do anything. I just had to vent because I'm creeped out and it wasn't a fun way to start my morning.
We had a history on our old floor in this building of someone vandalizing our bathrooms and I don't know if this is related or what.
the cleaning people at my old office used to rearrange everyone's desks periodically. nothing as...hmm...provocative as decapitating a stuffed animal inside a compartment, but just moving random things around weirdly. example, one day i came in and my mousepad was stuffed behind my monitor. and mind you, there was still plenty of dust on my desk, so it's not like they moved it to actually clean. i think they just liked to mess with us or something.
hopefully it's no big deal, but i can definitely understand being a little weirded out.
Thats totally creepy. It could be the cleaning crew, but thats still really strange. I'll never understand why people think things like the hanging dog are funny. Moving the toy to the kleenex box is strange, but not as creepy to me.