relrel wrote: Also, I'm from Lancaster orginally and this story comes from there. There is a state senator who owns a ton of farm land around the area. A couple of years ago him and his wife spent jillions of dollars building this fancy fancy house. Well, not even a year or so after construction was completed on the fancy house, they divorced. Apparently it was a messy divorce and she ended up with the house and the property on one side of the road. The state senator kept control of the land across the road, right across from the fancy house. I'm not quite sure what the woman did to piss her ex-husband off so much (other than getting to keep the house) but he proceeded to build a huge pig manure processing plant on his land directly across from the house. You can just imagine how aromatic this plant is, right?
the guantanamo detainees are being fed ~4200 calories a day; the average weight gain is 18 pounds, but there's a man who has gained 215 pounds.
Another tidbit: at the University of Kentucky, their main library is sinking. Apparently when they built the foundation, they didn't factor in the weight of the books!
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123