Does anyone have any fun plans or good ghost stories to share?
I can start things out with a ghost story...
When we bought our condo it was being liquidated as part of an estate. The original owner was Mr. Greenstone, of Greenstone Jewelers (no, I have not found the stash of diamonds - yet!) Mr. Greenstone lived in our condo since 1972, and we are unclear as to whether he died at the hospital or in the condo, but there was a medical alert button installed by the bed which we've since removed. Anyway, within the first few months of living in the condo, we experienced a few odd occurrences.
In the middle of the night I was awoken by what I thought was my husband shaking his leg in bed while he was sleeping (who knows, maybe he was dreaming of chasing a rabbit?) I looked over at him and planned on stopping him from shaking his leg because the whole bed was shaking (that's what woke me up) and he was laying there as still as can be. The bed was shaking and everything else in the room was not. Since I was groggy, to the best of my recollection, I woke my husband up, at which time the shaking stopped. We later discussed the possibility of an earthquake (not common, but mild ones do occur), and shrugged it off.
In a subsequent night, I woke up and saw a figure in the room with a brimmed hat. I looked at it for a while but then closed my eyes to go back to sleep. Seriously, what do you do? I knew if I woke up my husband, it would go away and he would think I'm nuts, so I closed my eyes in the hope that it would go away on its own.
I told my husband about this the following day, and he confessed that he had been awoken by the bed shaking on another night. We had also been occasionally smelling what smelled like a dead mouse in the basement, but the smell would go away, and we could never find anything (I later learned that this smell can accompany spirits.) We also had the experience with the chair (I posted about this in decorating a while back), and a mysterious electrical outage in a bathroom we were redoing that no electrician could figure out (it started working again as mysteriously as it shut off.)
Nothing else of note happened in the condo after the first year, and we've lived here for nine years. A couple of years ago, I obtained some jewelry appraisals from Greenstone Jewelers which is now run by Mr. Greenstone's nephew. I told him we lived in Mr. Greenstone's old condo, and asked if he ever wore brimmed hats, and I was told that he wore one everyday. I then told him about our "experiences" -- he was amused and told me he looked forward to telling his son about the stories.
I admit, I believe in "ghosts" because of my experiences. Who is to say they do or don't exist? I guess when we find out, we won't be able to tell others if it's true...
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase
My boyfriend lives in the house that his great-great grandfather built. His great-great grandmother, Mae, died in the house, and they all think that her ghost still lives there. Whenever a door creeks or something falls, they say "Mae's here." Mae died in 1987 - the year that my bf's brother was born. When bf's brother was about 8, he was talking about a dream he had, where he was in their house but it was different. He said that there was a lady talking to him, sitting in a chair. The way he descibed the lady fit Mae to a T. He described the furniture and its arrangement and the wall paper... everything, the way Mae had it. It was so weird. BTW, he had never seen pictures of Mae or the house before they moved in. Everyone who lived in my bf's house has claimed to have seen Mae's ghost at some point, and it's always in the same place. My boyfriend sleeps in the room that used to be Mae's, and he swears that he sees her late at night sometimes.
I don't know how what I'd do if I saw ghosts in my house... or if my bed randomly shook in the middle of the night! Scary stuff...
I have a ghost in the bed story too, but it's a little tmi. I'll let you guy imagine the details. I shrugged it off as a dream, but it was turning into a bit of a recurring dream and was honestly getting kind of annoying. Then one night I got up to pee and I left the bedroom door open. I saw a guy (figured it was DH- DF at the time) walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Went back into the bedroom- DH was sound asleep. Into the kitchen...nothing. AT which point I became compleltely freaked out and figure that a ghost had been raping me in my sleep or something.
omg - you guys have some freaky stories! Bring 'em on - I love ghost stories. I've never experienced anything particularly spooky (thank god) but I'm open to everyone else's good ghost stories.
Ilovechoo that is a creepy story!Seriously I would move if I ever thought I had a ghost in my house.
I have a friend who says she has a ghost cat in her house. Every once in the while she will see it, usually at night.
She said one night she got up to go to the bathroom, and while she was on the toliet the cat came and was rubbing against her leg. She could physcially see it, but when she bent down to pet it, there was nothing there.
I thought that was creepy and I don't like to use her bathroom when I go over there. Her husband thinks she's full of crap, because he's never seen it. She says she's not crazy and she's seen it a few times.
i was totally in the spirit today being in hoboken, nj for the day with beautiful fall leaves all around, 70 degree weather and little kids out and about in their cute little costumes!!