If you found a myspace page for your SO and he had his status set to "single" (even though you'd been togeather a really long frickin time) would it bother you? Also would it bother you that he hadn't sent you a friend request?
It could be that he's just lazy and hadn't done anything to his page yet. I don't want to be paranoid but its bugging me. If it were you, what would you think?
It would definitely bother me, but look at the date when it says he last logged in. Maybe he made it a long long time ago and hasn't been on since? Or maybe he just made it and hasn't made any friends or done anything to it. Or maybe he made it and forgot about it? I think the default setting is Single, so if he didn't put much effort into it, it might say that. I'd still bring it up, though.
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I would be a tad upset. Maybe he doesn't know. I know when my bf first signed up and created his profile he had single listed by accident because he had no idea where to change it. As far as the friend request goes I don't know. Maybe send one to him and see what he does?
I would ask about it but whether it bothered me or not would probably depend on the specifics. Like ttara123 pointed out, if he hasn't logged in for a really long time and doesn't have more than 1-2 friends, comments, etc. I would assume that it was something he did and forgot about and it wouldn't bother me at all. Or maybe even a friend made it for him? I've known about a few cases like that. On the other hand if he has a lot of friends and was obviously an active user but never mentioned it or sent me a request I would probably be weirded out. The status thing could go either way - I do think that is the default and I know a few people who had their profiles set to single and didn't even realize it but I guess that could also raise a red flag depending on the other circumstances.
BTW I never bothered to change my status after getting together with my bf and every once in a while someone will notice it and I'll hear through the grapevine that people are trying to figure out if we broke up. It's kind of funny.
I agree with cc about it depending on the myspace usage. If he's an active member, then yeah, it would bother me. If he signed up once to read something a friend wrote or something like that, I wouldn't worry about it. (If it was anywhere in between, I'd probably still throw a bit of a fit, actually. How hard is it click a damn button?)
blubirde wrote: I agree with cc about it depending on the myspace usage. If he's an active member, then yeah, it would bother me. If he signed up once to read something a friend wrote or something like that, I wouldn't worry about it. (If it was anywhere in between, I'd probably still throw a bit of a fit, actually. How hard is it click a damn button?)
I agree with this. Does he have a fairly active profile?
ttara123 wrote: It would definitely bother me, but look at the date when it says he last logged in. Maybe he made it a long long time ago and hasn't been on since? Or maybe he just made it and hasn't made any friends or done anything to it. Or maybe he made it and forgot about it? I think the default setting is Single, so if he didn't put much effort into it, it might say that. I'd still bring it up, though.
I would agree with this- is the BF just being lazy? I know that my BF and I weren't "friends" on there for the longest time. I don't remember who eventually sent the message but both of us agreed that we felt a bit odd sending a friend request to someone who in all liklihood was sitting right next to the other on the couch. I'm not sure why we were both wierded out by it, by admitting that he/she was the other half of the couple- but it did. Maybe Carlos just feels like a dork? I actually didn't tell the BF for the longest time that I had a myspace account (even though he was on Friendster!) because I felt sooooo dorky about it.
Darling, I hope that helps a little...I wouldn't freak out on C yet- just send him a friend request at the same time you message him with something like "Yo, Slash, thought we looked hot together the other night. Wanna be friends? Love, Axl"
-- Edited by relrel at 17:22, 2006-10-30
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I would ask your sweetheart about it. A similiar thing happened with my hub and it turned out one of his punk little co-workers (with way to much time on his hands) set up a profile for my husband and everyone he works with.
Well, I don't know. My boyfriend has a myspace that he goes on all the time. He doesn't send messages or friend requests or anything, though. He set up his page when he signed up, and he never updated it. He only goes on when he wants to look up something, like, when someone says, "did you see so-and-so's myspace this week?" If you do a search to find your bf's page, it will tell you when he last updated his profile. Unless it's obvious that he is very active and updates his profile consantly, I wouldn't be too concerned with the single thing. The fact that he never requested to be your friend, though, I'd be a little bothered by that. I agree with blubirde... how hard is it to click a button? Maybe he just can't find your profile?