I was just wondering if we were going to do the Secret Santa thing this year? I thought it was really fun last Christmas. Well, that and I love getting presents
I am willing to participate but after last years mess and being super busy at work I'm not organizing it.
If anyone wants the spreadsheet I used and how Karina and I did it (if she doesn't want to do it) feel free to pm me about it. I'm more than willing to help you out.
I am willing to participate but after last years mess and being super busy at work I'm not organizing it.
If anyone wants the spreadsheet I used and how Karina and I did it (if she doesn't want to do it) feel free to pm me about it. I'm more than willing to help you out.
-- Edited by Aurora at 09:22, 2006-10-26
If someone wants to help me, I can organize. Once the election is over I'll have nothing to do except sit on my butt until January!!
Oh me me me! I'd love to get my name sooner rather than later since i'm not even a month from NYC & I'd love to have time to either browse for something specific there or hand knit something special for my someone......
Oh, and I can help too if ya'll still need it!
-- Edited by laken1 at 01:17, 2006-10-27
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I may play this year.... I'm just wondering if we need to add a requirement of sending the ship date to the coordinator to add to their spread sheet after they have sent their package. That way if there's anyone who hasn't given the coordinator a ship date by a week before xmas or something, they can be contacted for follow-up. Maybe this would help us avoid what happened last year? any other suggestions?
"Fashion can be bought. Style one must possess." ~ Edna Woolman Chase