Does anyone know how long it takes to refelct on your credit report once you have fully paid a debt? With being on one income and the possibility of relocating my husband and I decided to take an unexpected sum of money we recieved and pay off some high interest credit cards. We think in turn this will cut our monthly expenses and help improve our credit rating. Is this the best thing to do?
I believe they're updated monthly. We had a credit card we'd been (intentionally) carrying a balance on to build my credit. The balance was slightly above the halfway point of what was available, and by paying that down so there was more available than used (literally like $100) it bumped hub's credit score by 16 points. It was enough to get an interest rate drop of 1.5% because it bumped him into the next 'category'.
My point is that it will absolutely help! I wouldn't necessarily cancel the cards (unless they charge yearly fees or something), but paying off as many as you can and getting any others you can under the half-limit point will definitely improve your score!
Also, when our credit was pulled for our original mortgage approval, it showed a zero balance on our 'main' credit card even though I had just mailed payment to them maybe 2 weeks prior. Maybe it's even instant??
-- Edited by Elle at 15:38, 2006-10-25
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
I believe they're updated monthly. We had a credit card we'd been (intentionally) carrying a balance on to build my credit. The balance was slightly above the halfway point of what was available, and by paying that down so there was more available than used (literally like $100) it bumped hub's credit score by 16 points. It was enough to get an interest rate drop of 1.5% because it bumped him into the next 'category'.
My point is that it will absolutely help! I wouldn't necessarily cancel the cards (unless they charge yearly fees or something), but paying off as many as you can and getting any others you can under the half-limit point will definitely improve your score!
This is where my confusion is, some say it's better to carry a balance than to pay them off completely. How do I figure that out easily. Should I start by paying everything down by 3/4's and put the rest in the bank?
I'd pay off all the high interest ones you can - there's no way you'r going to be able to make enough interest on that money sitting in the back to offset the interest charges your balance on the card would create.
So, completely pay off all the high interest cards, and I'd leave as little balance on a couple remaining lower interest cards as you can (between $5 and maybe $250, depending on how many there are and their limits). If you have a card or two that you normally use alot and pay off each month, you can try always writing the pay-off check for $5 less than the balance, so you always technically 'carry', but the interest charges stay as low as possible. I try to consider the little we pay each month in interest on the carry balance as what I'm spending to build my credit - at least that way it sounds like it's serving a purpose!
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
not exactly what you are asking, but i do know that when you pay off a credit card, it is better for your credit score to keep the account open (as opposed to closing the account immediatley). your ratio of available credit to unsecured debt plays a part in your credit score, therefore the more credit you have available to you in relation to what you owe, the better.
i would say it's always good to pay off high interest credit card debt, but i guess the thing to think about is if you are relocating, would the money better benefit you as a downpayment. i guess the question is, how soon? i would talk to a good mortgage person -- my sister has a great one who has guided them through all kinds of weird remortgaging and credit issues, so i would say a mortgage specialist would be able to help you with this.
Hi! The major credit card companies report monthly to each bureau. How your score is impacted will differ by bureau because each bureau uses a different scientific model for their scoring. Each bureau also has multiple scores (their own and the FICO). Even if the score is called the same thing (FICO), some bureaus weigh certain items more importantly than others. In general, these are the items at each bureau that most impact the primary score:
-Late payments
-Amount of time credit has been established
-Amount of credit used versus amount available
-Length of time at present residence
-Employment history
-Negative history (bankruptcy, collections, etc.)
Items to increase score:
-Pay bills on time
-Do not apply for credit frequently (inquiries impact score)
-Reduce balances (maxed out on credit limit negatively impacts score)
-If you have limited credit, obtain additional. Not having enough credit can negatively impact your score.
So, the reports should be updated within 45 days. Pay off balances, just don't close the account.
I had a few negaitve items on my report from college, which weren't scheduled to fall off the report for about another year. I wrote the credit bureaus and asked them to remove the negative items since they had been paid, and they did. My FICO score went up the next month. Just something to consider doing. Once you make a request, they have 30 days I think to decide and take action and get back to you. It may be worth it. When you view your credit report, just click on "contest item" or whatever and write your reason.
I had a few negaitve items on my report from college, which weren't scheduled to fall off the report for about another year. I wrote the credit bureaus and asked them to remove the negative items since they had been paid, and they did. My FICO score went up the next month. Just something to consider doing. Once you make a request, they have 30 days I think to decide and take action and get back to you. It may be worth it. When you view your credit report, just click on "contest item" or whatever and write your reason.
Ditto. Another thing, make sure you write the credit agencies to remove all incorrect addresses from your report. My report had at least 10 different versions of my home address. Check out, there's loads, and loads of info on your credit report from real people that have improved their scores by writing in to the agencies and having them remove old and inaccurate stuff. DH & I are getting ready to buy in the next 6 mths and we're addicted to the board, its SO helpful.