I'm tired of being entirely consumed by work- Working at minimum 12 hours a day and then not being able to stop thinking about work in the hour I get to myself. I'm tired of seeing the same 3 people (and only them!) day in and day out. I'm tired of having no free time, no tv, no stores, and no choice over what I eat (you eat what you get when you get it). And I'm tired of being away from DH.
I'm really ready for this to be over.
12 days! My fiance is working on a campaign also. We've been at this for 6 months though
I'm tired of being entirely consumed by work- Working at minimum 12 hours a day and then not being able to stop thinking about work in the hour I get to myself. I'm tired of seeing the same 3 people (and only them!) day in and day out. I'm tired of having no free time, no tv, no stores, and no choice over what I eat (you eat what you get when you get it). And I'm tired of being away from DH.
I'm really ready for this to be over.
12 days! My fiance is working on a campaign also. We've been at this for 6 months though
Yeah, I have a countdown on the wall in my office. 12 days still seems so long though- it's still like a half month! I hope your DF is having a better time than I am... is he close enough that you can visit him?
First of all, (((((hugs))))) to everyone! And here is my list:
- I'm so stressed about my job and the lack of room for advancement and the glass ceiling that exists there that I can barely concentrate on my work. They want to start training me beyond just graphic and web design to do video editing, too. While this is great experience, I know that my pay isn't going to reflect this. I'm already underpaid, undertitled and overworked, but this just adds more fuel to my fire. And I absolutely dread the impending job hunt.
- I'm in the process of grad school applications and tests and I'm a mess over that, too.
- My dating life is a nightmare and I've lost all hope that there are any good guys left. I'm going to be stuck eating nasty hamburgers for the rest of my life. I really, really hate men and I'm so tired of people looking at me in disbelief and saying, "I really can't understand why you're not married/taken yet." I just want to scream.
- I'm sick. I'm tired. I need to go to the doctor b/c I'm so tired that I can barely function, but I hate doctors.
I'm tired of being entirely consumed by work- Working at minimum 12 hours a day and then not being able to stop thinking about work in the hour I get to myself. I'm tired of seeing the same 3 people (and only them!) day in and day out. I'm tired of having no free time, no tv, no stores, and no choice over what I eat (you eat what you get when you get it). And I'm tired of being away from DH.
I'm really ready for this to be over.
12 days! My fiance is working on a campaign also. We've been at this for 6 months though
Yeah, I have a countdown on the wall in my office. 12 days still seems so long though- it's still like a half month! I hope your DF is having a better time than I am... is he close enough that you can visit him? I made the decision to move with him, and it has been very hard. We have no cable and there is zilch for shopping. His campaign is going well, but he is working 12-14 hour days also, and on call 24/7. The last 2 months he has been working weekends too. He makes it home for lunch, but the phone rings so much I want to toss it out the window I know just from what he is going through that you must be exhausted and craving your own time.
I am so, so, so tired. I don't get enough sleep because I have schoolwork, and I can barely get any schoolwork done because I am exhausted at home. I am overwhelmed at home, at school and at work. I feel like everyone constantly wants something from me, and no matter what, one of those things gets cut short.
I have to register for classes next week and they aren't offering *anything* interesting. Just a bunch of technical writing classes that I will have to take as electives. Blah.
I have to work late all next week and I don't wanna! My parents and husband are going to Mexico next weekend, but I can't go because I have deadlines.
My pool-building is a never-ending project. They seriously work on it 1/2 day a week. I am sick of having no backyard fence and trash all over that they need to clean up. My dogs have been having stomach problems ever since it started, and I really think it's due to all the junk in the yard -- they are probably absorbing it through their feet.
It is still hot here.
One of my friends is pregnant (I am excited for her!!!), but it makes me wonder if I will ever have the time, money or energy to have kids.
I messed up something in my grade book and I had to readjust my students' grades...most of them went down, and some of them are really upset.
I was trying to clean my carpet last weekend, and it wasn't working. My husband suggested using some bleach, since the carpet is basically white and my mom uses it on hers all the time. It got the stain out, but left horrible bleach spots. (Turns out my mom has a special kind of carpet that can be bleached...I am a moron.) We need new carpet anyway, but now we need it sooner.
I have a board meeting for an organization I am in this weekend, and I may have to miss it because I have so much reading to do. I feel horrible because I have missed the last 2 meetings.
I bought something on ebay and accidentally paid with an old, empty but not closed checking account. I didn't pay attention to the paypal emails I got because I thought they were a spoof because I thought I'd paid by credit card. So I had $80 (!!!!) in overdraft fees for a $4 pair of ipod earbuds.
"We live in an age where unnecessary things are our only necessities." --Oscar Wilde
-yesterday was my first day off in about ten days and i spent it entertaining an out of town guest of my bf while he had to work. we went to the mall and the person likes stores that i can't stand and since he is quite indecisive we went back and forth to the same stores for about 6 hours. i spent my last day off (days and days ago) doing the same thing. i'm done entertaining but i feel bad because i really like him and i know i'm going to miss him when he leaves.
-when i got home yesterday, i noticed a missed call from a familiar area code. i called my mom about something random and she told me my 90 yr. grandma fell, went in the ICU because her heart stopped, and they're not sure about her condition. but since my mom is Miss Tough E.R. Nurse, she was so nonchalant about it and then asks me what's wrong when i got quiet on the phone!! It's her mom! my dad is sick and is this how she is going to be if something happens to him?? it bothers me that she is so desensitized and that she didn't even call me.
-this morning i walked to work and i got upset about my grandma on my walk. i thought i was fine when i got to work, but my manager told me that i didn't look like myself and i ended up crying in front of her. i was so embarassed. she told i'm the only one who hasn't missed work this week and that i look like i could use a day off. i e-mailed my bf to tell him i was home and ask where the out of town guest is, and now i think he's upset that i let my guard down at work because he didn't respond to my e-mail eventhough i know he's not in a meeting and he's in front of the computer. i'm sorry, i'm not Mr. Super Professional Don't Get Emotional At Work Guy.
i feel whiny but i needed to get that out.
on a happier note, my grandma is 90, i have my health, my loved ones have their health, and things are relatively good if not even great.
take care ladies, keep your heads up.
"i tell you one lesson I learned
If you want to be something in life, You ain't gonna get it unless, You give a little bit of sacrifice, Oohh, sometimes before you smile you got to cry.." -The Roots
I still don't have a job and I don't have another temp/contract assignment lined up either and the one I have been working ended today. I was really sad so BF took me to dinner at one of our fave places and asked if I minded going to Banana with him after because he wanted to buy a sweater. When we got there he looked at me and said, "Go ahead and pick out whatever you want. I am buying you a present for being such a good sport during your job search and keeping a positive attitude." I almost cried in the store. If anyone is a good sport it is BF. I love that man.
PS - I think that I am going to apply to Banana. What the hell right?
"Whatever you are, be a good one." --Abraham Lincoln
I still don't have a job and I don't have another temp/contract assignment lined up either and the one I have been working ended today. I was really sad so BF took me to dinner at one of our fave places and asked if I minded going to Banana with him after because he wanted to buy a sweater. When we got there he looked at me and said, "Go ahead and pick out whatever you want. I am buying you a present for being such a good sport during your job search and keeping a positive attitude." I almost cried in the store. If anyone is a good sport it is BF. I love that man.
PS - I think that I am going to apply to Banana. What the hell right?
Ooooh! This is so cute! I'm glad you have a good BF, and good luck with the hunt! I would totally apply to Banana. Why not?!?
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare