I've only been on ST since April, but I was thinking that too. Lately I've been home sick a lot, though, so I thought maybe it was just that I was checking it more in comparison
Fashion is art you live your life in. - Devil Wears Prada | formerly ttara123
I am actually really busy! I'm not quite so sure how I thought I would balance two classes, work, and my master's project but I'm treading water at the moment. Loving the water, but still just only treading. In my spare time I come on here to read really quick and then over to Craig's List to look for an apartment (God, I wanna move!).
And how are you all? Elle, have you been looking for volunteer type places? Ladies...tell me about you, what's going on in your worlds?
Is anybody as pissed off at the cold weather as I am? As much as I love a fuzzy warm turtleneck, I do not appreciate having my wpm number drop because my hands are too cold to type fast!
"But I want you to remember, I intend this breast satirically." Susan from Coupling
I agree that it's been slow around here! I wonder if there's a reason or if people are just busy.
Anyway. Hi Relrel! Good to see you on here! I've missed your posts!
I've been pretty busy myself. I'm still looking for a job and I decided not to take the offer that my current employer gave me. He and I were trying to work it out but then decided that my opportunities for growth in my current position are pretty minimal so the best thing for me to do would be to move on. So that's what I'm doing! I forgot how much time job hunting takes and how much it SUCKS! So that's what's new with me.
What can we do to make this board a bit more exciting?
I've slacked off some here too for several reasons 1) I've been trying to save my shopping dollars for my trip to NYC 2) my boss's wife had her 2nd baby early & we weren't really ready - he was technically giving me a little more responsibility every week & letting me get used to that before giving me more so he could help out with the baby for the first months (we work from our homes). So when she went into labor it was rather "trial by fire" - nothing difficult just a lot to transition into at once. 3) my friend & I started a local yahoo group & moderation is more than i expected. Who knew that knitting drama existed?
Who do you have to probe around here to get a Chardonnay? - Roger the Alien from American Dad
I'm around but have mostly been lurking. Crazy busy with work- 13 days until the election!! I can't wait until it's over... 12-13 hour days 7 days a week can really take a toll on a person. We actually moved to a new campaign that was looking good last weekend and we're now basically in Canada (like 10 minutes fro mthe border. And the streetsigns are in English and French....its bizarre!) so its freaking cold!! And of course I had the coat and sweaters I ordered sent to the old campaign so who knows if I'll ever see them now...
Ok, enough ranting. I'm here, lurking, and will be back in full force November 8. And yes, I did notice it's been really quite lately.
I agree it's been quiet. And I haven't been posting much lately (like Choo, I have time to lurk and read, but not so much post), so I am contributing to it, I guess.
I've been busy, of course, but also just dealing with a bunch of crap that is stressing me out. Bleh. When my life is normal again, I'm sure I'll be back.
How are you doing, Elle?! Are you enjoying being back in Oregon? Married? Everyone else - how are things?!
Forget, forgive, conclude, and be agreed. - Shakespeare
I'm w/everyone else, I still post, but not like I use to. Work has REALLY picked up, and will continue to be busy for a while now, and by the time I get home, the LAST thing I want to see is another computer! LOL I try to post at least a few times a day, but yes - it has been a lil' slow around here, I check all the rooms, and they're pretty quiet. But this is STILL my favorite fashion website!
"Until you spread your wings, you'll have no idea how far you can fly".
Okay, I'm glad it's not just me that was feeling that way!
I've been good - more busy than usual just like everyone else! We jumped into house buying earlier than we thought we would, so the entire last 6 weeks or so have been almost completely consumed by house crap. It's a good thing I didn't have a job already, because I've had to be the point person for all the house dealings, and I've already given myself that ulcer (which is now healed, thank goodness) just dealing with that! We're in the home stretch, supposed to get keys by the end of the week . I'm sooooo ready for this part to be over - it's way more stressful and involved than the wedding ever was.
Once we get moved, I'm going to be getting a part-time position at the hospital to get my foot in the door, and take a class or two each term to get my nursing pre-reqs out of the way while I wait to be accepted.
Anyway, glad everyone is still around . Don't be strangers, now!
-- Edited by Elle at 10:20, 2006-10-25
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment ~ {Ralph Waldo Emerson}
Oh, I agree! Of course, I've been spending waaay too much time on ST lately (don't ask), so I've noticed it hasn't been as lively as it has in the past. But that's okay. I guess it's just an ebb and flow. Now I'm off to post...
I've been here sporadically, but this is a really busy time (through the end of the year) for me, so I can't get as involved as I've been before. Heck, I can't even get to do a shopping run! I've got GC's burning holes in my pockets, but there's no time for fun stuff right now.
"Good taste shouldn't have to cost anything extra." - Mickey Drexler
Elle, thanks for the concern... I have been really busy with work. I am moving to Italy in April, so I have to finish all my projects by March 31st. I have been trying to limit my shopping (not much success here) since I'll have to send my things there by ups. And from time to time I'd like to take pics to post, but really I have no time in the morning. I have been going back and forth to Cornell university a lot, and, to top it all, 10 days ago we had 2 feet snow in Buffalo. It was a disaster.
So, I have had time to read posts fro time to time, but not much to post...
I've noticed that it's been slow too. When summer started the site got slower, so I thought it would pick up again after summer. Hasn't seemed to happen yet.
What's with people getting lives all of a sudden? *Napoleon Dynamite voice* Gosh!
Veni, Vedi, Visa.
I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Sorry I was out of town every weekend in September travelling. Not something I want to do again. Then we just started Quarter this week and I think we file next week or the following week. My client is just keeping us really busy with their huge merger and debt/equity offerings which should go into effect Nov. 1st so I won't slow down until next March hopefully.
Otherwise I'm doing well. I thought after the CPA exam I'd have more time but now I have less time to do stuff. I haven't even been able to properly cook at home! And then there is my poor car which is about to die and I'm spending my time lurking and searching car websites. I tried out a mid-size suv last weekend (the bf's) and I hated driving it so I'm back on the shopping around phase. Looking at the accord and the g6 now.
I've been attempting to save money also so that is keeping me away a bit too. And then I think I'm going through the thread killing phase right now on here and another board I post on where either I start the post and get like 1 or 2 posts to reply or I reply and then no one else says anything else.
I havn't been around much as I have been swamped with home work (I took classes over the summer too). I have been around alot in the last week though cause I ended up dropping two of the courses I was taking(I found out from the college I am transfering that they don't really count towards my major.) That and my bf is having family issues right now so I havn't gotten to spend my free time with him as much.
-- Edited by cat at 15:51, 2006-10-25
To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hi, Metric! I'm heeeere! My Stylethread posting has seriously been cut down by my work blocking it. That is where I did most of my posting. I want to post more. :(
And Aurora, I just got the new 2007 Honda Accord and I loooove it. Definitely go with the Accord.