Here's what I'm wearing for Bunko tonight. I'm going to change the outfit for a party on Saturday. I'll probably go out and get some different shoes, sunglasses and just tweak it a little when I have more time to shop. This is a redneck, Joe Dirt type look I'm going for.
Cut-off sweats
Orange silk screened "Cheetos" T-Shirt with sleeves cut off
Mullet wig
Can of Budweiser w/ Dale Earnhardt on the can
My main question is for tonights Bunko. I don't have any "redneck" shoes (guess I should be glad). The only things I could think of are flip-flops, old white Nike's with white socks pulled up, or I could just show up barefoot. What do you think? It's at a good friend's house, so I won't be embarassed to show up barefoot (I'd wear sandals until I got to the door).
to really do it up right, you should wear athletic shoes with the heel part smushed down so you're stepping on it. with socks of course. i see this all the time in the town i grew up in.
I went as "White Trash Mom". I cut off a pair of my husbands old light blue jeans, cinched them with a belt and wore them REALLY high on my stomach, Cheeto shirt tucked in, mullet wig, trashy makeup, no shoes and can of Budweiser. It was hilarious. A few of the girls didn't even recognize me for a few minutes!